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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Busti

  1. Thank you it worked
  2. Hi, I just updated to 1.7.10 using IntelliJ Idea and everything decompiled perfectly but when I try to start the Client I get this error message: And when I try to start the server I got this one: Any Help is appreciated
  3. Just change the mod file ending from .jar or .zip to .disabled or .off or another shortcut. (eg. waila.disabled)
  4. It won't update your position or let you take control over the chicken because the EntityChicken is not prepared to be ridden. The Pig and the Horses Entity class are coded to be ridden by a player. You have to (re)create that code (but don't copy) inside of a subclass of the EntityChicken class, kill the chicken when you mount it and replace it with your rideable chicken. Another option would be to modify the code inside of the Chicken class which would be very hard because it had to be done in Bytecode or make a pig render as a chicken. I hope I could help you a bit. I would probably choose the first method...
  5. The Problem should be some of the AIs you are using. I guess EntityAIPanic, EntityAIWander or EntityAIMoveToWater try to swim on the water rather than diving in it so they wont drown.
  6. In case it is a .jar file just put it in a (new) /libs folder in your forge-src folder and import it as a Library. You should be able to access its classes.
  7. I just thought that it would be overly complicated to create a renderer but it would make it easier to implement more colors.
  8. The easiest method to archive it would be to create 16 sub blocks using metadata such as the wool Blocks and use onBlockActivated to change that metadata when you use a dye on the Block. You just have to create 16 different Textures for every color.
  9. I am installing Java 7 now so I guess it wont be a problem anymore. Thank you for your quick Help
  10. I already did that it wont work either
  11. Did you mean: http://puu.sh/9CHlL/d433aacebf.png I might as well just install java 7
  12. Do you mean the option under project Structure/project/project SDK (It was set to java 6)
  13. Hello, I made it back to Modding after a little while and I build myself a new PC. But when I try to setup the Modding Environment normally (decomp / idea) without any modifications I get a very wired error log when I start the game and even the examplemod wont be loaded into the game. In the log it says that it has been Ignored. The game will still start and work (with all 3 forge mods) but every user written mods won't start even though they compile. Here is the error log: (Warning: Its long but the messages are basically all the same) And here is also a gist: https://gist.github.com/Busti/0daacdefbbabafb4f85d It might be that I did something wrong while installing the modding enviroment / java / jdk on my new system but I guess I did everything as I should... Thank you for any help! - Busti
  14. Have a look at damageItem() it the Item class. Try to override it and make it change the ItemStack instead of deleting it.
  15. You have to override the following method in your entity class and set the noclip flag to true to make an entity noclip through blocks: @Override public void setPositionAndRotation2(double x, double y, double z, float a, float b, int par1) { this.setPosition(x, y, z); this.setRotation(a, b); }
  16. Have you overriden the following method and set the light opacity to 0? @Override public boolean renderAsNormalBlock() { return false; }
  17. Make sure its called on the client and the server. Your blockSpecialMeat.breakBlock variable is probably only true on the client. You can test is by using a simple println at the place where you damage the item. The print should appear twice.
  18. You can get a the "rand" from the player by using player.getRNG()
  19. This damages the Item and plays a break sound and deletes it. if (itemStack.attemptDamageItem(1, rand)) { itemStack.stackSize--; if (itemStack.stackSize < 0) itemStack.stackSize = 0; itemStack.setItemDamage(0); itemStack = null; Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSoundHandler().playSound(PositionedSoundRecord.func_147673_a(new ResourceLocation("random.break"))); }
  20. [*]First person [*]Back [*]Front
  21. Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.thirdPersonView
  22. You can access the minecraft code by using "gradlew SetupDecompWorkspace" when you setup your dev Environment.
  23. Use a lowercase file path and it should work.
  24. When you start it with the debugger (bug button) it keeps track of certain stats and vars. You can then use the Terminate button to kill the process and it should show you the breakpoint. Its not crashing when there is no log its just stuck in an infinite loop and windows stops it when the user tries to interact with it.
  25. Such "crashes" are mostly caused because of an infinite loop. Try stopping Minecraft with the debugger and it should show you the point where the program was at the time you stopped it.
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