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Everything posted by Beethoven92

  1. The F3 debug screen has a similar function to what you are searching for. If you think about it, on the right it shows you the the name of the block you are looking at. Maybe try looking how vanilla implements that?
  2. Show your code, and maybe the debug log after trying to summon the entity via command
  3. The first parameter of OreFeatureConfig is a RuleTest. Just create a new BlockMatchRuleTest(Blocks.END_STONE) and pass it as parameter to OreFeatureConfig
  4. The class you are searching for reference is called IngameGui. To draw things like mana bars on the screen you can use the RenderGameOverlayEvent
  5. I suggest you take a look here to see how entity spawn eggs were implemented: - ModSpawnEggItem class: https://github.com/Beethoven92/BetterEndForge/blob/master/src/main/java/mod/beethoven92/betterendforge/common/item/ModSpawnEggItem.java - Item registration: https://github.com/Beethoven92/BetterEndForge/blob/fdccc01fa313add14dce86b9cc59cf37173ab0a1/src/main/java/mod/beethoven92/betterendforge/common/init/ModItems.java#L92 If you have any doubts on how the code works just ask
  6. You don't need ro register your model at all..but if you want your entity model to be rendered on the screen you need to call that model render method somewhere, and the place to do that is your entity renderer: I suggest you take a look at how vanilla uses models inside entity renderers
  7. Well, i you have doubts on something in particular feel free to ask, and perhaps i may be able to help you clarifying them. Anyway i agree, right now adding biomes to the Nether and End is a mess
  8. Yes, this will only affect the Nether generation. Right now you should only see your biome generating in the Nether, because it is the only one you are providing, here: @Override public Biome getNoiseBiome(int x, int y, int z) { return ModBiomes.EFFETE_FOREST.get(); } If you look at Biome You'll Go custom NetherBiomeProvider you can see how they provide for world generation all available Nether biomes that are present in the registry (vanilla and modded ones), so making the mod compatible with other mods that add their own biomes to the Nether: https://github.com/CorgiTaco/BYG/blob/c4142c9f93a9e86a8248260af2847be4fde10921/src/main/java/corgiaoc/byg/common/world/dimension/nether/BYGNetherBiomeProvider.java#L73
  9. Yep, the logic of your if statements is pretty flawed. I think you should clarify a bit your ideas about some programming basics. So, the logical flow of the code you need here is very simple: "is the current biome an End one?" ---> do nothing. "or is the current biome a Nether one?" ----> generate you Nether ore. "or (no End or Nether so the biome belongs to the Overworld)" ----> generate your Overworld ore. I leave it up to you to translate this into java code.
  10. Why don't you look for a 1,15+ tutorial then? Or better...just update to the latest version?
  11. Is that "certain item" your own custom item or a vanilla one?
  12. Well, if you don't even try to understand what the error was, for sure those hourse were completely wasted...you have been asked to show your code so we can help you understand something more about what you are doing..have you even remotely considered that possibility before throwing everything in the can?
  13. So, this is not at all a trivial task right now, and it is not one you can fully achieve without some mixin usage (until Forge provides a way of registering Nether an End biomes like we are already able to do with Overworld biomes). So you can look here to see how we added biomes to the End. Adding biomes to the Nether is a very similar process, you just need to explore a bit the NetherBiomeProvider class. Overriding the vanilla biome provider: https://github.com/Beethoven92/BetterEndForge/blob/master/src/main/java/mod/beethoven92/betterendforge/mixin/DimensionTypeMixin.java The custom biome provider class: https://github.com/Beethoven92/BetterEndForge/blob/master/src/main/java/mod/beethoven92/betterendforge/common/world/generator/BetterEndBiomeProvider.java Do note that some mods that add their own biomes to the Nether already exists (Biome o' plenty, biomes you'll go...). You may want to take a look at their nether biome provider to see how they handle this
  14. You should register your features inside their apposite registry event. Also, there is another version of the BiomeGenerationSettings.Builder#withFeature method that takes in a Supplier<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>>. You can look here to see an example on registering custom biomes with their custom features: https://github.com/Beethoven92/BetterEndForge/blob/master/src/main/java/mod/beethoven92/betterendforge/BetterEnd.java
  15. After you have read the theory in the docs, you can look here for some practical examples of various data generator usage: https://github.com/Beethoven92/BetterEndForge/tree/master/src/main/java/mod/beethoven92/betterendforge/data
  16. Well, this is just vanilla hardcoding things, quite typical actually..so, i see your mob is a seal, you can try to make it spawn on other type of ices (blue and packed), on snow, grass and water. Unfortunately you cannot make it spawn on ice easily, unless using some weird workaround
  17. Vemerion already suggested you basically everything you need in order to achieve what you are trying to do. Where are your doubts coming from? It would be better if you asked for specific bits of information
  18. Just implement onBlockActivated in your block class, and check for the item that the player is holding. If it is your bag_of_flour then do whatever you want it to do. (Just explained with words what Draco18 already recommended you with that code)
  19. So, does this line actually get executed? Does the message appear in the console? System.out.println("Its been Added!");
  20. No one will be able to help you if you don't provide a debug log
  21. Don't trust too much modded blocks to have a LIT state, you should do some research yourself and see what exactly are the properties they define, so you can add more support (at least for the mods you are interested in adding support to)
  22. Mmmm there is not a really fire proof way to do such things unfortunately...i suppose you could check if the block you tagged as a furnace has some kind of blockstate property like the vanilla LIT property. You could look into the other mods that adds furnace like blocks and check which property those block defines to check wether the furnace is burning or not. Then in your mod your tea kettle would check for those properties in the block below. This is the first method that came to my mind..perhaps there is something even better
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