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Everything posted by Beethoven92

  1. net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoadingException: Missing License Information in file Mod File: C:\Users\Finn gaming\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods\jei-1.15.2- You say you have the same problem as above, so have you tried looking at the solutions mentioned above?
  2. Have you checked if this: @SubscribeEvent public void loadBiomes(BiomeLoadingEvent event) { for(ConfiguredFeature<?,?> feature : ORE_GENERATORS) { event.getGeneration().withFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES,feature); } } is actually fired or not?
  3. I mean that the method requires a Block, you are passing in a RegistryObject<Block>. Those are not the same thing
  4. It seems like your Entity Renderer is not correctly registered
  5. You are passing in BLOCK_MINER, which is a RegistryObject<Block>, thats not what the tileEntity factory requires. You need to get the actual block from that RegistryObject
  6. You are canceling the event but you are not spawning your custom entity in the world. Also if you just need to change your item into something else when that item touches water i think you could just override the onEntityItemUpdate method inside your item class
  7. You override the method getRemainingItems in your custom recipe class.. if you looked at the classes i suggested you you would see exactly how vanilla does that
  8. Does your tile entity implements ISidedInventory and overrides the associated methods?
  9. Dieseben07 already told you what to do..if you want a more specific suggestion, some classes you may find helpful to look at are the SpecialRecipe class and its subclasses. In particular you can see how vanilla uses the getRemainingItems method in BannerDuplicateRecipe and BookCloningRecipe classes
  10. Take a look how i registered Block and ItemBlock datas using data generators here: https://github.com/Beethoven92/BetterEndForge/tree/master/src/main/java/mod/beethoven92/betterendforge/data/client It seems that the blocks you need to create jsons for are simple cube blocks right? I think you overcomplicated the thing a lot
  11. Have you tried looking into how vanilla does that with the villager/wandering trader? That would be a good starting point
  12. withExistingParent("opal_ore", modLoc("block/block/opal_ore")); The path block/block does not exist.
  13. Sorry for late response, i found this post while searching something else. Well, you need to add your custom LayerRenderer to the PlayerRenderer. You have to do this inside your client setup event handler
  14. You would need to add your custom layer to the player renderer, and you need to do this inside you client setup event handler (possibly inside enqueueWork). Take a look at this post: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/92977-1162-render-layer-not-working/?tab=comments#comment-428356
  15. I see this in your code: public static final String MODVERSION = "1.10.0"; so i suppose you are updating from 1.10 to 1.12. Unfortunately 1.12 is not supported anymore on this forum. In case you decide to move to the most recent versions instead it would be better to rewrite the whole mod basically from scratch as the amount of things that changed since 1.10 is huge
  16. You are right, personally i never used the automatic split constructor so i forgot this was a possibility!
  17. The method is canInteractWith. Actually for anvil (RepairContainer) it seems to be checking if the block belongs to the ANVIL block tag
  18. @Override public IRecipeSerializer<?> getSerializer() { return null; } This is where you should tell the game which serializer has to be used to read/write your recipe, it should not be null
  19. So, "skyblock" would be your mod id right? If you specify the location of the resource like that: ResourceLocation("skyblock:rooms/storage.json") the game will default the namespace to "minecraft" and in this case it will search for "minecraft:skyblock:rooms/storage.json" which doesn't exists. When getting the ResourceLocation of your mod assets you have to specify your mod id as the first argument, like that: ResourceLocation(your_mod_id, path), where "path" in your case would be "rooms/storage.json"
  20. Well, since you mentioned the vanilla Item Frame, have you tried looking into its code to see what it does? You need a TileEntityRenderer to do things like: rendering an item on a block (think about a pedestal that renders an item on its top), rendering a custom model (think about the enchanting table animated book that spins around) etc..and basically rendering every other fancy effect you can think of. You may find this example very useful: https://github.com/TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample/tree/working-1-16-4/src/main/java/minecraftbyexample/mbe21_tileentityrenderer
  21. Take a look at this post: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/94169-struggle-on-render-model/?tab=comments#comment-432311
  22. Looks like this mod should not be installed on the server as it is client-side only
  23. You have to create your own blockstate json which specifies which models the game has to choose (in this case by checking the value of the LIT property)
  24. What you are searching for is inside the class InventoryScreen. The method that draws the entity in the inventory is called drawEntityOnScreen (if you have recent mappings)
  25. What is confusing you about the LIT property?
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