okay, that explains a lot, I was surprised that the log suddenly ends
the error occurred in iceandfire mod,
check if you use the latest version, if not update the mod
if you use the latest version report the bug to the mod author
after thinking about your problem, here are two possible ideas they you could help you
you could create your own OverworldBiomeSource and register it with the Vanilla name
you could create your own OverworldBiomeSource and edit the overworld dimension file
The first option is the simpler one, but I'm not sure whether it works
the second option works but is complicated because you have to overwrite the dimension file for overworld and I don't know where the vanilla default file is
the part of a dimension is json
I have a mod in which I have a test dimension (I test the world generation there), you can take a look at this mod:
ChunkGenerator & BiomeSource
ChunkGenerator & BiomeSource Registry
requires ResourceKeys
Dimension Json
Dimension Type Json
you also will need one biome, you need to return them in BiomeSource#getNoiseBiome
I hope this helps you
simpler: overwrite the method getAddEntityPacket in your entity class and return 'NetworkHooks.getEntitySpawningPacket(this)'
and btw this is basic java
the mappings has changed forge now use moj mappings,
you can use the forge bot on discord to convert from mcp to moj
!moj -c mcp from moj to mcp
!mcp -c moj from mcp to moj
What exactly do you mean by that?
you should be modding with the latest version
1.16.5 or 1.17.1, 1.15.2 is at the moment also possible, but is EOL