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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. Make sure you have java installed. Run the installer via CMD and post full output here. CMD command, replace the <installer_name> with the file name of the installer java -Xmx1G -jar <installer_name>.jar Note: You need to execute this command in the directory of the installer
  2. You still can create Mods on this version but we wont help you if you have issue/questions with those versions.
  3. Problem with Valhelsia Core. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, talk to the Mod author.
  4. You should use the Forge Bot on the Forge Discord server. Command: !moj <class_name>.<field_name> <version> // The version is optional if you use the latest version (currently 1.19.2) Use the command in #bot-commands channel
  5. Forge 43.1.1 or above (which is the case here) adds support for the @AutoRegisterCapability annotation which should be used. LazyOptional#ifPresent should only be used if the Capability is written to be not always preset.
  6. Drag and drop the log file on https://gist.github.com/ then click on Create secret gist and post the link here.
  7. Please add -Dforge.logging.mojang.level=debug to the JVM arguments of your Launcher. Launch the game and produce the error, then post debug.log (client) from the logs folder. Please also provide the server debug.log.
  8. Your friend should make sure his internet connection is working properly. Please post debug.log from the server and the disconnecting client.
  9. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  10. @AthensguyPlease add -Dforge.logging.mojang.level=debug to the JVM arguments of your Launcher. Launch the game and produce the error, then post updated debug.log.
  11. Please add -Dforge.logging.mojang.level=debug to the JVM arguments of your Launcher. Launch the game and produce the error, then post debug.log from the logs folder in your own thread (create your own thread).
  12. Subscribe to ServerTickEvent, in the Event you need to check the Time, you can get it from LocalTime#now. Then check if the hour is 0 and if the second is 0, if this is the case clear the banned Players. Note 1: Checking the second could lead problems if the server is laggy. Note 2: You should not forget to reset the played time of all Players.
  13. There are no Players on there server in ServerStartedEvent. You should reset the Stat in EntityJoinLevelEvent PlayerLoggedInEvent (might be the better Event).
  14. I assumed that you are using a new mdk, sorry for that. Did you tried to re-import the Project? Refreshed Gradle? Regenerate the run configs?
  15. You need to first setup the Project before you can import it into your IDE.
  16. Please also provide the settings.gradle. How did you setup your Project?
  17. Please post your build.gradle file.
  18. Subscribe to RenderLivingEvent.Pre and cancel it, if you want that the LivingEntity should not be rendered This is good way to start: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Main_Page
  19. You can use https://gist.github.com/ to upload larger text files.
  20. Vanilla Menus are hardcoded, they can only be open on a specific Block. You need to create your own Menu to achieve this.
  21. One of your mods requires AutoRegLib. Unfortunately the mod does not properly indicate this dependency, so the mod simply crashes instead of Forge showing a helpful error message.
  22. Depends on your launcher but normally in the logs folder of your game directory. If you using CurseForge you need to enable the debug.log in the settings.
  23. Subscribe to AnvilUpdateEvent you then can get the name via AnvilUpdateEvent#getName
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