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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. The log you post does not indicate a crash, it also does not looks like the full log. You can use https://gist.github.com/ to upload larger text files. Check if there are updated versions
  2. Looks like a problem with Alex's Mobs. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, talk to the Mod author.
  3. Please post debug.log from the logs folder. The issue you have is caused by a Mod which adds custom Entities.
  4. Due a few other threads on this Forum I would guess you have problems with adfoc.us? If you have issues with adfoc.us you can use the direct download by clicking on the i near the installer. You find the direct download after clicking on "Show all Versions" then click on the i near the installer yu want to download.
  5. @Bruce_SharkyyPlease do not post in a thread even if you have the same issue. Please do always create a new thread. Problem with PackMenu. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, talk to the Mod author. If you having still issues with running the game create a new thread.
  6. @Mr_Dam12471please post debug.log from the logs folder. The issue you have is caused by a Mod which adds custom Entities.
  7. Press Win + R, paste in %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts then search for the file, choose a editor with which you want to open the file. Post the full content of the file here. The explanation above is tested on a properly installed windows installation.
  8. Make sure you not disable features in the config files. If this is not the case talk to the Mod author, there is nothing we can do to fix this issue.
  9. I'm not be able to access the log, on that website. Please post debug.log from the logs folder. On CurseForge you need to enable the debug.log in the settings. You can use https://gist.github.com/ to upload text files.
  10. If you have the same issue the solution is above, if the solution does not fix your problem you having not the same issue. Then create your own thread and post debug.log.
  11. You main issue is that you copied the vanilla Furnace code, then you add some stuff without changing the code you copied. Your Menu use a ItemStackHandler, your BlockEntity a NonNullList. If you add Items to the Menu they are stored in the ItemStackHandler of your BlockEntity but the code still use the vanilla NonNullList. If you then check if there is a Item in Slot 0, you're using the NonNullList which is empty, since you add the Items to the ItemStackHandler. How to fix your code: Remove all vanilla code which is unnecessary (the Constans, unused methods, ...), this include the NonNullList Add names to the local variables and parameter Initialize your LazyOptional for the ItemStackHandler directly at declaration Fix all errors caused by step 1 Then choose on serverTick method which you want to keep, remove the other Put a few breakpoints into the serverTick method to see if it work now: If it work try to add the missing logic for your BlockEntity If not fix the issues in the serverTick method, your IDE should support hot swapping, this means you can edit the code while the game is still running (only works in debug mode). After saving the changes will be load in the JVM and you can directly test them. If you have issues while debugging feel free to come back and ask. Note to hot swapping: Hot Swapping only allows changes in loaded class structure, this means you can not add or remove methods/fields.
  12. Please post debug.log from the logs folder with all Mods.
  13. Now what are the steps i need to do to reproduce your problem?
  14. Why did you think that, what did you tried to test if this would work or not?
  15. You can use a Capability, take a look at this FCW page for more infos
  16. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  17. Please post a git repo of your Mod i want to debug this locally. After you posting a complete Git repo please tell me how to reproduce your problem (as detailed as possible).
  18. ItemStackHandler#onContentsChanged is called whenever a Item is added (via #insertItem), a Item is removed (via #extractItem) or a Item is set (via #setStackInSlot). You should be able to run code after the Item is removed, by checking in #onContentsChanged if the Slot is empty or if there is a other Item in it.
  19. Put the item in your fuel slot!? Did you check with debugger where to code now stops working?
  20. If you have issues with adfoc.us you can use the direct download by clicking on the i near the installer.
  21. The reason for that is simple, you need to pass in a RecipeType into ForgeHooks#getBurnTime. Which items did you tried as fuel?
  22. @ItzPray Object Holder is outdated is not recommended to use, please use DeferredRegister to register your Items, Blocks, etc.
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