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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. Now you have downloaded a too old version of Jei. Update to the latest version of Jei 1.19.
  2. You installed CreativeCore, Jei and Comforts for 1.19.2. Make sure all other Mods you have installed are compatible with 1.19.
  3. As i already told you i'm not familiar at all with Aternos. Did you googling where to find the debug.log?
  4. Add the latest version of CreativeCore to the server try if it works. If it does not work post debug.log.
  5. You register the Class to the ModEventBus but RenderPlayerEvent.Pre and EntityRenderersEvent.AddLayers requires the ForgeEventBus
  6. Normally in the logs folder of your server directory, on Aternos i don't know.
  7. Move your EventHandler in a client only class, you can achieve this by setting the value "value" in the EventBusSubscriber annotation to Dist#CLIENT.
  8. The log shows an issue with CreativeCore, please post debug.log for more informations.
  9. Your game is running out of Memory (RAM), allow the Game more memory.
  10. The texture pack should still work, you can ignore the in game warning about an incompatible pack format.
  11. You can get the MinecraftServer from Level#getServer and you can get the Level from the given UseOnContext. Note Item#onItemUseFirst is first called on the client then if the InteractionResult is success called on server. This means you need to handle the server stuff inside a server check (!level.isClientSide should be enough). And make sure you return InteractionResult.sidedSuccess with Level#isClientSide as value.
  12. Minecraft Server#getPlayerList is a non static method, that's the reason why this won't work. Please show where you need "all online players".
  13. Show how you tried to call the method
  14. Looks like a problem with the Config of Dynamic Lights. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, talk to the Mod author.
  15. Problem with Immersive FX. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, talk to the Mod author.
  16. The user_jvm_args.txt is the file directly in your server folder, do not modify any other files. See: https://imgur.com/a/00uB5At
  17. You can use https://gist.github.com/ to upload larger text files.
  18. It looks like all of the Mods you have installed are for 1.19. You should update the Mods or downgrade Forge.
  19. You installed Xaeros Minimap for 1.19 on 1.19.2.
  20. Mods like Radium are not recommended to use. Those magic performance Mods increasing the game performance by breaking game logic. This "new game logic" can then lead issues and conflicts with other Mods. If you don't need Radium to 100% then you should remove it.
  21. ConfiguredFeatures and PlacedFeatures should also be registered with DeferredRegister.
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