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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. Could you please provide a bit more context, like what version you are talking about, what was the usage of the method and what was the return type?
  2. Use EntityType#create to create a new instance of your Entity. Then you can modify the Entity in the way you want (e.g change position, set some values, etc.) After that use Level#addFreshEntity to add the Entity to the Level (World). Note: Spawning Entities is a server only operation.
  3. Update to the latest version of Forge.
  4. I think this feature does no longer exists, but you can just send a Packet back to the client. You can get the ServerPlayer from the given Context, then you should be able to use PacketDistributor#PLAYER.
  5. The error should be clear, you forgot a ; after Everything public static final CreativeModeTab Everything= new CreativeModeTab ("Everything") { public ItemStack makeIcon() { return new ItemStack(ItemInit.RUBY.get()); } } <- ; here
  6. If it's you own Entity you can override #ignoreExplosion in your Entity class and return true.
  7. Why do you want to do this? Banning and Unbanning players should be a admin operation and should not modified/controlled by a Mod.
  8. One of your Mods is using a file with a invalid name, make sure you use the latest versions of all installed Mods.
  9. At least one of your installed Mods is written for an older version of Minecraft. Make sure you use the latest versions of the Mods you using. Post debug.log from the logs folder for further informations.
  10. Could you please provide a bit more context. Store the Durability in the ItemStack Tag, and get it when you need to restore it. Call ItemStack#getTagElement with your Mod id then put/get the data you want to store/restore.
  11. You installed Biomes O' Plenty for 1.19 on 1.19.2.
  12. Looks like a problem with Alex's Mobs. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, talk to the Mod author.
  13. The normal way to damage the Item would be ItemStack#hurtAndBreak. The animation is done via LivingEntity#broadcastBreakEvent which will be called from the Consumer of #hurtAndBreak. stack.hurtAndBreak(1, player, (p) -> { p.broadcastBreakEvent(EquipmentSlot.MAINHAND); // This will send the animation to the client });
  14. First of all do not use @OnlyIn it's vanilla only. Second the #makeIcon in your CreativeModeTab will not even compile, you can not have two return statements. Edit: Please use the code feature of the Forum or a paste side to post code.
  15. The log is only useful if there is an error, but this is not an error which is logged. You could check if all Mods are up to date, but that's my last idea.
  16. The only thing i can tell you that one of your Mods has a broken render setup. I suspect that this mod is currently displaying something on the screen. You could try without Jei and JourneyMap (last one is a guess beacuse of the Overlay in the left top corner).
  17. This is a file on your computer we can not access to it.You can use https://imgur.com/ to upload images.
  18. You should use a KeyMapping for that, then check in ClientTickEvent KeyMapping#isDown and send the state of the KeyMapping via a custom network packet to the server. To avoid sending a Packet each tick, you should send the Packet only if the KeyMapping got pressed or released (the state changed).
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