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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. 🤦‍♂️ This is what a repo is supposed to look like: https://github.com/Draco18s/ReasonableRealism/
  2. Lets run through this real fast. You create a list and loop over your ingredients, adding some number of "true"s to your list. Then, regardless of everything, you add a false. Then you query "is false in this list?" What I mean is, lets remove the loop: @Override public boolean matches(RecipeWrapper inv, World world) { ArrayList<Boolean> list = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); list.add(false); if(list.contains(false)) { return false; } return true; } This will never return true.
  3. Look at: - hasTileEntity - getTileEntity
  4. Usually packets. There's also a way to specify entity data values (eg. things that don't change, or change rarely), I'm drawing a blank on what they're called at the moment.
  5. Your block still needs to say "Hey! I have a tile entity!" and instantiate it.
  6. Mod Mappings Management System, MMMS. AFAIK its not done yet.
  7. See also: Threads. $100 says that the client thread (which doesn't matter) prints NEUTRAL while the server thread prints the randomized value.
  8. Check the SwordItem class. It doesn't set the destroy speed to 0 (as that is not even checked in creative), but handles preventing blocks from being destroyed in another manner.
  9. If you had entities in the world already that were saved before you added that code, of course they won't have it.
  10. Then... Dunno. Does it work?
  11. No more than two megabytes or so. My guess is that you're trying to include the /run and/or /build folders too. Do not do that.
  12. (And I assume that "commonnamespace" is not literally "commonnamespace" but something identifiable to your mod.)
  13. By the way this line will never be false: https://github.com/Awsomekeldeo/TechMod/blob/test/src/main/java/awsome/techmod/capability/MoldCapabilityWrapper.java#L38 Because fluidHandler always has a value: https://github.com/Awsomekeldeo/TechMod/blob/test/src/main/java/awsome/techmod/capability/MoldCapabilityWrapper.java#L19 Never return null from getCapability https://github.com/Awsomekeldeo/TechMod/blob/test/src/main/java/awsome/techmod/capability/MoldCapabilityWrapper.java#L32 Use LazyOptional.empty
  14. Yes. That's how tags work. They are tied to a resource location. Just as minecraft:stone and somemode:stone are different, so too is minecraft:carnivore and mymod:carnivore.
  15. The hell are you trying to add to your repo? There are NO files that should be that large involved in Minecraft modding.
  16. No it doesn't. It cuts off mid-line on line 294, long before the crash.
  17. https://github.com/xanderindalzone/customgunsmod/blob/9047d492cb951955e032415e1c22ce89104a9680/src/main/java/com/xanderindalzone/customgunsmod/objects/items/guns/Gun.java#L19-L22 Christ, clean up your code. Ctrl-Shift-O will remove any unused imports automatically.
  18. There's no ready to do this, you can just call CauldronRecipe.getAllCauldronRecipes() any time you need them. If you just want a shorthand, make recipes static. This is unused. "For all required ingredients: If the stack in slot 0 is not the ingredient: Recipe is not matched." Uh...
  19. Knowing what method overriding is and how it works is a pretty core concept to OOP.
  20. *cough*
  21. Fair enough, was just wondering if there was a story there.
  22. Now I'm curious why. I don't think its taken "years" even for a major version. The longest delay I'm aware of was either 1.7 -> 1.10 or 1.12 -> 1.14 In both cases I don't believe it even took a full year. And I know for certain that the majority of the time waiting on 1.14 was due to a massive (absolutely massive) restructuring of Forge's own code to clean up and refactor huge sections of the core codebase to be more robust.
  23. Ah yes. Normally you would be able to call getTrueSource. But as lightning doesn't normally get spawned by entities (unlike arrows) they don't track an owner. You will be unable to track this information. You may be able to get nearby players and check their active item, but this is at best a guess as to which player was actually responsible.
  24. You have to get that from the event too. Its in the event's DamageSource's data. Because think about it, if you store a static entity reference, what entity is that? It can't be "the entity that dealt damage" because there are MANY entities that could do that.
  25. You have successfully included a thumbnail of your problem, not a picture of the problem.
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