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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. No. You need to use a common and client proxy and use that class (which is sided through annotations) to register the tick handler.
  2. int id = world.getBlockId(x, y, z); BlockYourBlock b = (BlockYourBlock)Block.blocksList[id]; b.functionCall();
  3. Sorry, no. The only time I decompiled another mod was to watch how the author was using his own API, as it wasn't well documented at the time.
  4. I searched for "jar" inside the jar folder because I knew that it didn't matter what it was called it would end in ".jar"
  5. Lets make this real simple: Your packet handler is not receiving packets. Ergo your annotations are not set up correctly.
  6. Ok. Anyway, the jars are in (took me a little bit to figure this out, too) /mcp/jars/versions
  7. MCP is not a codebase. It's an external package that performs deobfuscation because it has the mapping between obfuscated and deobfuscated names. As for version, I'm asking what version the mod is for because that's the version of minecraft you need to use to decompile.
  8. EntityLiving != EntityLivingBase Your function is not identical to the function in the Block class (which is why the @Override is throwing an error and why the function is not being called). Not variable name, variable type.
  9. Because I know it works?
  10. Use a sided packet handler: clientPacketHandlerSpec = @SidedPacketHandler(channels = {"GenericRandom"}, packetHandler = PacketHandlerClient.class)
  11. That link is for ModLoader, not Forge (MCP is something else entirely). What version of Minecraft are you trying to work with?
  12. Sounds like a problem with that function. Add @Override just before it. That's not a "force save of the metadata" it's just a more complicated and memory inefficient way of saving the same info in a different way.
  13. That method won't do anything on its own, it needs to be called from somewhere. Also, I don't think his block cares about adjacent solid blocks the way a furnace does.
  14. 1) I'm pretty sure you're wrong, as I use that function for my TE block 2) There's also onBlockAddedToWorld
  15. You would just need to move the main mod class folder directory into the main minecraft .jar directory. You don't need to put things "in the appropriate place." But other than that, yes. No guarantee that it'll work, the decompiler might still throw a fit, but if it DOES work, 99% of the work will be done for you. The rest would be making sure there are no errors and verifying that it runs. From there it's just copying the decompiled source into your current dev environment (and then fixing any new errors that show up).
  16. Your best bet might actually to be to download the version of minecraft (the jar) for the version that mod is for, install the mod as if it was a jar mod, then decompile that. That worked previously (I did it once for Mystcraft, so I could look at the internals and figure out its API by example), not sure how well it works now (had trouble in 1.6.2?). Give it a shot, at least. Might not leave it in a re-compilable state without fixing errors, but if it works at all, it will work quite well.
  17. Either: a) google all of them and make sure they're updated for the version of Minecraft you're using b) start removing things until it works c) remove everything and start adding things until it works
  18. I don't think that'll work. At all. Ever.
  19. FYI: the vanilla overworld's surface has a minimum height of 63 (not counting under the ocean, unless you want your structure to be under water).
  20. You don't. It is indicating that that method is accessible with an instance of item stack. ItemStack.someMethod() //static method ItemStack#someOtherMethod() //non-static method
  21. ItemStack#getItem()
  22. *The D was intentional. And I was, actually. You calculated a rotation, and then didn't do anything with it. I am helping. I pointed out where your problem is, I'm just not telling you the solution. Hint: you're accessing the block's metadata to determine which direction to rotate the model. Where are you setting the metadata?
  23. public void onBlockPlacedBy(World world, int i, int j, int k, EntityLiving entityLiving){ int rotation = MathHelper.floor_double((double)((entityLiving.rotationYaw * 4.0f) / 360F) + 2.5D) & 3; } Congradulations, this function DOES NOTHING.
  24. Block.blocksList[theId]
  25. world.getBlockId(this.posx, this.posy, this.posz) ?
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