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Everything posted by warjort

  1. You have mods making conflicting changes to the world gen. elvenation and byg are mentioned in the error above.
  2. Issue with steampowered. As I told you on a previous thread https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/117063-crash-code-1/#comment-515963 some mods have not updated for the latest changes in create.
  3. You are absolutely correct: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Key_Mappings 🙂
  4. You get the world path using level.getServer().getWorldPath(LevelResource.ROOT) If you are trying to store additional data for a level or chunk I would recommend using a capability. See Data Storage here: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Main_Page
  5. This means this code won't be executed in single player mode. Why do you need this? The server logical side is always available, unlike the client.
  6. Use http://gist.github.com or similar.
  7. You have the wrong version of optifine for the version of forge you are using.
  8. One of your mods has broken network serialization. Impossible to say which with so little information shown.
  9. There is no error in the log.
  10. One of your mods is trying to load client classes on the server. Impossible to say which with so little information shown.
  11. You truncated the crash report. There is no error shown. But I can tell you are using the wrong version of optifine for forge 40.1.80
  12. And what about your debugging I suggested you do? This works fine for me. I get a spinning diamond when I jump. @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = MOD_ID, value=Dist.CLIENT) public class Test { @SubscribeEvent public static void livingJump(LivingJumpEvent event) { var entity = event.getEntity(); if (entity instanceof LocalPlayer) { Minecraft.getInstance().gameRenderer.displayItemActivation(new ItemStack(Items.DIAMOND, 1)); } } }
  13. I suggest, you download the mdk and modify that. https://docs.minecraftforge.net/en/latest/gettingstarted/ It's almost like you are deliberately trying to make your mod have every possible misconfiguration/error. While at the same time forcing us to continually ask for information rather than you posting the relevant files you have changed. And you must have seen the footnote to my posts multiple times now. Most likely this problem is caused by you not specifying your minecraft dependency or run configuration properly in the build.gradle or the mods.toml? Or you changed something important and didn't regenerate your ide run configurations. But I can only guess with you drip feeding information.
  14. Looks like your class is not in a package? For some reason Forge doesn't like mod classes in the root package.
  15. You can attach a capability to a LevelChunk. See Data Storage here: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Main_Page
  16. Nope. It doesn't even show the StringIndexOutOfBoundException you partially quoted earlier.
  17. Mixin doesn't like you using java 19. Use java 17
  18. Why don't you show the full error message? One obvious thing is you can't have uppercase characters in block names or any ResourceLocation. But AFAIK you don't get that error message for this.
  19. Remove rubidium, oculus and other broken client side only mods from the server. You don't need them there.
  20. ok, you are using 1.18 which doesn't have that event. So you will need to setTarget(null) manually.
  21. You tried something different. It is LivingChangeTargetEvent which is cancellable. You should learn to do your own research/debugging instead of asking us to fix every little problem you come across.
  22. https://github.com/sp614x/optifine/issues/7103
  23. LivingEntityChangeTargetEvent
  24. FMLCommonSetupEvent or FMLClientSetupEvent runs after the config loading (I assume you are not using server configs which are loaded with the world) . See: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Stages_of_Modloading You should read that wiki in general.
  25. Looks like one of your mods is messing around with the block break progress and has broken it. That is where this error is occurring. I have highlighted the mods that have changed the affected class. But this could be any of your mods. Check you have the latest version of your mods and see if one of them has this already reported as a bug. Otherwise, you will have to experiment with removing mods until you find the problem one. (Backup your world before doing this). Start with mods that modify block breaking, e.g. I can see you have multimine and reap.
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