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Everything posted by warjort

  1. https://johann.loefflmann.net/en/software/jarfix/index.html
  2. I don't know then. The error says a different process has it open. When you say "i tried restarting", that means you restarted windows? You checked the error is still the same and not a different one? You should post your logs/debug.log Maybe you can use something like this to find the process that has the file open? https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer
  3. This is the correct signature for an event. public static void setHeadacheWhenPlayerMountingOnBoat(EntityMountEvent event) { Not just players can mount boats. Many people use them for transporting animals or villagers. You need to check the entity mounting the boat is a player. You also need to check it is actually a boat being mounted. Entity passenger = event.getEntityMounting(); Entity vehicle = event.getEntityBeingMounted(); if (event.isMounting() && vehicle instanceof Boat && passenger instanceof Player player) { player.addEffect(new MobEffectInstance(KCEffect.HEADACHE.get(), 400)); } Why did you not share this error? Do you think we have psychic powers? ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. That has nothing to do with the item durability. It's the player's arm swinging when you use an item. ๐Ÿ™‚ I think you can change this by subscribing to InputEvent.InteractionKeyMappingTriggered Then use something like (untested pseudo code) ItemStack itemStack = Minecraft.getInstance().player.getItemInHand(event.getHand()); if (itemStack.is(YOUR_ITEM.get())) { event.setSwingHand(false); }
  5. You have just enough effects installed, but this is an addon for JEI (Just Enough Items) which you don't have.
  6. https://github.com/sp614x/optifine/issues/6974
  7. That mod does it from a mixin, but it looks entirely unnecessary. They obviously don't understand how subclasses work. ๐Ÿ™‚ All you need to do is override the explode() method of PrimedTnt and do your custom explode processing.
  8. That uses Level.setBlockAndUpdate() or the yarn equivalent. https://github.com/Fourmisain/DirTNT/blob/e8d58ae41c8f2d97de4c3f467200ef184be3c271/src/main/java/fourmisain/dirtnt/entity/DirtTntEntity.java#L90
  9. Looks like you already have minecraft/forge running using that file. Or it might be you are editing the file using something like notepad that locks the file. If you don't think this is true, It could be a previous game of minecraft didn't end properly and is still running in the background. You can use Windows Task Manager to see if there are any java processes running.
  10. Define "spawn blocks". You can spawn a FallingBlockEntity? Or maybe you mean an ItemEntity? Or maybe you just want to Level.setBlock()? Spawning blocks is something you could do with the old "wand of animation". But I don't think anybody has ported the erebus mod to recent versions of minecraft. ๐Ÿ™‚
  11. You have a lot of mods that want a different version of forge. As well as 2 mods that want a different version of blockui and structurize. I know at least the latest version of "create" needs forge 40.1.60 while you have 40.1.0 https://github.com/Creators-of-Create/Create/blob/efdcbb4154e95cb95144cc0306930b461d81f048/src/main/resources/META-INF/mods.toml#L22 Try using the latest version of forge for 1.18.2 which is 40.1.73 Since it looks like you are using curseforge, you can change this in the "Advanced Settings" of the "profile options" of your profile. Click the 3 vertical dots on your profile's page.
  12. Looks like an issue with UnionLib. But since this is a library mod, it could be one of the mods that uses it. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/unionlib/relations/dependents?filter-related-dependents=3 Make sure you have the latest version(s) then contact the mod author(s).
  13. Not to the vanilla overworld. Things you can do include; * override/replace the vanilla overworld using the datapack mechanism - not recommended for a mod to do by default * use a WorldPreset to create a new "world type" that appears in the "create new world screen" and has a copy of the vanilla overworld with your biome included * use an existing library mod like: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/terrablender There are probably other options along similar lines.
  14. Exactly what I said, a biome is useless by itself, you need to have a dimension that uses it.
  15. If you just want to modify a biome, you can use: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Biome_Modifiers
  16. You can make a biome using the datapack mechanism: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Biome/JSON_format Your mod is automatically a datapack, you place the files in src/main/resources/data Or you can create them in code using the DeferredRegister mechanism. But having a biome won't do you much good unless you have dimension with a ChunkGenerator/BiomeSource that uses it. e.g. your own custom dimension
  17. I don't really understand all the details of this, it is based on random numbers and a weird algorithm. ๐Ÿ™‚ I think most people just choose a vanilla enchantment they want to be similar to and tweak its cost calculation? If you really want to understand it: The basic idea is that it calculates an enchantment cost for each slot in EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantmentCost() - uses some random numbers. p_220289_ is the slot number (0 to 2) and p_220290_ is the enchanting power of the "bookshelves". Then it runs selectEnchantment() for each slot p_220300_ is the cost(s) from above, but it gets modified using some more random numbers. This then uses getAvailableEnchanmentResults() with the modified p_220300_ to compare against your min/max costs. That wiki has a link to a table that has values from 1.14 https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting/Levels
  18. Incompatiblity between supplementaries and create. You don't have the latest of version of supplementaries: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/supplementaries/files/all?filter-game-version=1738749986%3a73250 If that doesn't fix it, contact the mod author.
  19. Issue with byg (or one of your resource packs) This is not the latest version: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/oh-the-biomes-youll-go/files/all?filter-game-version=1738749986%3a73250 If that doesn't fix it, contact the mod author.
  20. Actually, I think I misread the code. This stuff can be quite difficult to read. ๐Ÿ™‚ I think it is looking for a dimension without a type? It is definitely looking for something within the world generation settings/dimensions that is missing a type.
  21. The thing that DFU actually checks for is a "generator" without a "type". https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Custom#Generator_types
  22. You are trying to use 1.19 version of journeymap in 1.19.2: https://github.com/TeamJM/journeymap/issues/488 The only versions currently compatible with 1.19.2 are betas: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/journeymap/files/all?filter-game-version=1738749986%3a73407 If that doesn't work, contact the mod author.
  23. See your previous question: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/115137-1192-translating-classesmethods-from-1165/ Translating from fabric isn't going to help you with old forge mods. Fabric uses a completely different mapping called "yarn".
  24. Look at the code in GhastShootFireballGoal. You need to create the fireball, configure it, then level.addFreshEntity() to spawn it.
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