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Everything posted by warjort

  1. "It does not work" is not a bug report. If you want help you need to post a reproducable example of your problem on github. Any questions about blockbench should be directed to them.
  2. Mixins (the version of the item that is actually used in that code) are not supported in this forum. If you want support/help you need to be using the forge and vanilla api. On the java file you link, that doesn't work because your UUIDs are broken. Here's a simple java program to generate valid ones: package whatever; import java.util.UUID; public class UUIDGen { public static final void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(UUID.randomUUID()); } } When I change your item to use valid UUIDs, and make the callback somewhat more standard, it works for me. static UUID BeyonderItemEntity = UUID.fromString("4bdfbc79-9e09-4111-8012-199025111273"); static UUID BeyonderItemBlock = UUID.fromString("487c4613-122f-44de-ae1e-70efb1e031d8"); -- snip -- public InteractionResult interactLivingEntity(ItemStack pStack, Player pPlayer, LivingEntity pInteractionTarget, InteractionHand pUsedHand) { if (!pPlayer.level().isClientSide && pUsedHand == InteractionHand.MAIN_HAND) { pPlayer.sendSystemMessage(Component.literal("Interacted with " + pInteractionTarget.getClass().getSimpleName())); } return InteractionResult.sidedSuccess(pPlayer.level().isClientSide); } Including being able to break blocks at extended range.
  3. You are using fabric, these are the Forge support forums. The actual error is in the java vritual machine. A SIGBUS bus error which probably means some kind of memory corruption? You should report it to them using the link in that crash: or try a different java implementation, e.g. https://adoptium.net/en-GB/temurin/releases/?os=mac&version=17
  4. Try without optifine Also read the FAQ at the top of this forum about how to find and post the logs/debug.log
  5. Please don't hijack other people's threads. Start your own thread. And read the FAQ at the top of this forum about posting the logs/debug.log to a file sharing site on your new thread.
  6. Issue with the watut mod. Check you have latest version then contact the mod author. NOTE: is no longer supported in this forum: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/91712-supported-version-directory/
  7. Looks to be a known issue: https://github.com/AllTheMods/ATM-9/issues/769
  8. Example of the spark mod using shading (including package renaming to avoid conflicts in case other mods do the same thing with the same jar): https://github.com/lucko/spark/blob/87512b5eeffe8a0d3cacb08f9a98d513fb87dbfd/spark-forge/build.gradle
  9. For completeness (in case somebody does use search in future and finds this thread): If you can't get jarInJar to work, you can always try shading, e.g. https://imperceptiblethoughts.com/shadow/introduction/ this is the old method people used before jarInJar and is still commonly used. Or you can fork that jython project to add a META-INF/mods.toml to it which will turn the jar into a mod. https://docs.minecraftforge.net/en/latest/gettingstarted/modfiles/ e.g. this is how this mod adds javascript support to minecraft by forking mozilla's rhino https://github.com/KubeJS-Mods/Rhino
  10. If you want help you need to post more than snippets out of context. Put something on github so we can see the whole thing. But I guess you didn't actually read the documentation. https://github.com/Creators-of-Create/Create/blob/a41053b8966edf7bd9732223b18f783fdb52521d/build.gradle#L25 There maybe other you things you need to do depending upon what jar you include and its dependencies. Again read the docs. Also this says forge should deofuscate that jar. But since it is not a minecraft mod (unlike the examples from create) there is no need to do that. This is the main wiki guide for dependencies, but you should also read the main gradle docs. https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Dependencies All these issues have been discussed many many times before in this forum. Please try to use the search function instead of posting repeat questions.
  11. Issue with pixelmon's animation code. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  12. But you didn't search this forum. Because this question has been asked many times before. Adding a gradle dependency will make the jar available at compilet time but it won't load the jar into forge. Forge will only load jars that are mods. You need to turn that jar into a mod. Or include that jar within your mod. Either using https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Jar-in-Jar or as mentioned on that link use one of the gradle plugins that does shading/creates "uber jars". e.g. this is the create mod using jarInJar https://github.com/Creators-of-Create/Create/blob/a41053b8966edf7bd9732223b18f783fdb52521d/build.gradle#L168
  13. https://johann.loefflmann.net/en/software/jarfix/index.html Or try reinstalling java.
  14. https://github.com/robinroloff/alpinemod/blob/54c091e898bc90ca1a3238b6764b76d5cf20794e/src/main/resources/assets/alpinemod/models/block/resin.json#L4 You should also change the particle texture otherwsie you will get green particles when somebody breaks the block.
  15. See: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/141611-textures-under-grass-overlay-rendering-in-black/?do=findComment&comment=561537 If you look in ItemBlockRenderTypes, the vanilla vine uses cutout. You already have this on other blocks: https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Arobinroloff%2Falpinemod+render+type&type=code
  16. I gave you a link to other mods doing it above. And as I said before, there are many other discussions about it in this forum. Also, you spent less than 20 minutes from my previous answer trying to understand what you need to do. This is a support forum, it does not exist for you to proxy the work of writing your mod to us. Feel free to come back and ask questions after you have tried to write some code and get stuck. But you need to post more than a 5 line code snippet out of context (like you did above) if you want help. You need to put a reproducable example of your problem on github.
  17. Why are you setting the base value? That will just lead to incompatiblities with other mods that (incorrectly) do the same thing. Or you will write over any change a modpack developer (or server owner) wants to make globally for all players. You should add a +2.5 modifier, then you will always get the correct effect regardless of what other mods do.
  18. I already answered your question: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/141627-minecraft-modpack-crashing-on-1201-with-exit-code-1/?do=findComment&comment=561711 Read the FAQ about updating AMD drivers: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/125488-rules-and-frequently-asked-questions-faq/#comment-541436
  19. See also: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/817e20821d04225e2b39e2ce64be9b70c8ddfa27/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerInteractEvent.java#L125 But I don't think you need it for this usecase? You do have the
  20. Your question is unanswerable. If you want help with your code, you need to put something on github that reproduces the problem. We need to see everything in context and maybe run it for ourselves if the issue is not obvious. Guess (I shouldnt have to guess): Since this sounds like a ghost block getting created on the client and it sounds like it works properly on the server? You are not returning the correct InteractionResult from the client side Item.useOn(), so the game goes onto the next step which is to "simulate" the placing of the block for a BlockItem giving the player instant feedback. Since the server side does have the correct code, the change to the block entitiy's inventory causes a chunk update to be sent to the client which won't have that placed block and so the ghost block then disappears.
  21. Look at SpreadiingSnowDirtBlock.randomTick() and call Properties.randomTicks() when you register your block.
  22. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  23. Sorry, this is the attribute modifier thread, not the mob effect thread 🙂 You want this search: https://github.com/search?q=addtransientmodifier&type=code
  24. Examples from other mods on github: https://github.com/search?q=addEffect(new+MobEffectInstance&type=code
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