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Everything posted by warjort

  1. I assume you never had a real working version? Try renaming your save (the server's "world" folder). That will make it create a new world without the duneon modifications next time you boot the server.
  2. The place where it is failing is splitting the actual minecraft jar This suggests you have previously downloaded incomplete/wrong jars: Notice the checksums don't match. You could maybe try deleting those files to see if redownloading them fixes the problem. The installer itself (regardless of minecraft version) should work with any version of java8+ That is provided you are using an up-to-date release of that java and not an old release from 5 to 10 years ago. I can't help with Mac sys admin. I've never owned a mac. Even if I did, questions about MacOS should be asked in forums that specialise in that knowledge.
  3. You don't show the log. See the faq for how to find it. Post it to a file sharing site. But assuming you don't have a broken zlib version, e.g. https://github.com/madler/zlib/issues/634 that error usually just means the file is incomplete/truncated. Probably because something wasn't fully downloaded?
  4. Sorry, I misunderstood the context of that error. You are NOT getting the mappings from a server, you are trying to load a save on the server after uninstalling a mod that modifies the world gen. This won't work. Minecraft can't load the save because the overworld settings are missing. They were likely defined/modified by that duneons mod.
  5. The client log you posted says you don't have it installed: But that "unidentified mapping" error says the server still has it installed. If you search the top of logs/debug.log for the server, it should tell you which mod (jar file) has the mod id "duneons".
  6. You posted the minecraft launcher log? Since you haven't installed forge yet, that is irrelevant. If you wanted to post a log, the installer log would be more relevant (see the faq for how to find it). But since you can't actually run the installer, there won't be a log for that either. The link I posted above explains why you can't the run installer and how to fix it. Alternatively, you can open a command line in the folder where you downloaded the installer and run the command: java -jar forge-xxx-installer.jar replace xxx with the version you downloaded.
  7. If that is the case, either * If it is one of those static helper methods, just copy the method into your class * Use an access transformer to make the method public; https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Access_Transformers/1.16
  8. https://johann.loefflmann.net/en/software/jarfix/index.html
  9. 1.16.5 is no longer supported in this forum. Also, if you are posting compiler errors you are in the wrong place. You want a learning java forum. I would guess from what I remember of 1.16.5 feature config, you are trying to call private methods?
  10. There already is a MatchTool LootItemCondition that takes an item predicate, so at least you don't have to write that yourself.
  11. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/125488-rules-and-frequently-asked-questions-faq/#comment-541436 specifically post the logs/debug.log to a file sharing site.
  12. If that really is the full log, you need to post the launcher_log.txt
  13. https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Dynamic_Loot_Modification e.g. here's a simple example I made for an older version of minecraft https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/113816-1182-method-for-iterating-over-blocks-belonging-to-a-tag/?do=findComment&comment=505993 To see if they are using an axe, I guess you will need to add LootContextParams.TOOL to the LootContext so you can check the tool's tool type or item tag?
  14. Issues with GeckoLib should be directed to them.
  15. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/125488-rules-and-frequently-asked-questions-faq Specifically you need to post the logs/debug.log to a file upload site.
  16. Try without optifine. The version of optifine you have was written for and tested with forge 43.2.14 (see their download page) so you can try that version of forge as well. But where it crashed usually means a graphics driver error (see the FAQ for how to fix it). You can post your C:\Users\liona\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\launcher_log.txt from directly after a crash to confirm this. Also please post logs to a file sharing site. Not directly in the forums.
  17. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/125488-rules-and-frequently-asked-questions-faq Specifically you need to post the logs/debug.log to a file upload site.
  18. That error is for fabric. These are the Forge support forums. The error occured while pehkui was saving data for an enity (fabric's class_1297) while minecraft was executing some command. It does not say which command. But a server watchdog error just means something is taking too long on the server thread. More than 1 minute when nothing should be taking longer than 0.05 seconds.
  19. On the server for the Item's useOn, you need to get hold of the block's IItemHandler capability and use that to modify the inventory. https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Capabilities The block can be found using the UseOnContext.hitResult See also (in case you need to override the default rules): https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/f09fd1f05b39df98f6415b44478b13723cee74cd/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerInteractEvent.java#L125 Alternatively, if it is your block, you can change Block.use() to check what the player is holding when they right click from the passed Player/InteractionHand.
  20. https://parchmentmc.org/
  21. Like your other question. No capitals are allowed in file names, folder names, mod ids or ResourceLocations
  22. I suspect this has something to do with that mod "moving" the language entries to its namespace? The minecraft language loader loads things in groups by namespace, but the actual ordering of namespaces comes from a HashMap, so the ordering is effectively random. See MultiPackResourceManager.getNamespaces() and its constructor. I bet if you put your lang file in the "archeaology" folder/namespace instead of "minecraft" it would work? You should report this is a bug to that mod. The above file should be in assets/minecraft
  23. Don't know then. I suggest you post a bug report with instructions on how to reproduce it (i.e. include a minimal resource pack that has the problem). https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues
  24. You can look at what order things get loaded by clicking "resource packs" in the client's options menu. The initial order comes from the mod ordering and vanilla's default policy. NOTE: This order gets saved in your options.txt and that order will be used "forever" when you have changed it once (this might be your problem?). The "forever" is quoted because adding/removing mods can change it.
  25. The zlib error message says the file is "truncated", i.e. it probably didn't fully download. It shouldn't make any difference for the insall? But you will need java 17 to run minecraft 1.20
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