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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. What is actually happening? Is the server not in your server list, or can't you start the server up from eclipse?
  2. It means that a item uses methods that will be removed in the 1.7 update
  3. Don't make topics when there are exactly the same topics!
  4. Mayb you could use reflection to put a method inside the bow class to check if the Quiver is equipped and if it has arrows in it and then use the arrows from the quiver.
  5. You mean like a backpack that stores arrows, and which then could be used by a bow in the inventory, without having arrows in the standard players inventory?
  6. You need to do the proxy stuff in the initialize method.
  7. What is a Quiver?
  8. You could write every pixel with a different Hex value on the gui and if they click, check if its on one of the pixels and set the wools hex value based on the one you clicked. PS i don't know how to do that, but its a rough idea
  9. I understand that, but it didn't lost it in my opinion...
  10. May i ask something: Why are you still modding in MC1.3.2? Why not update to MC1.6.4?
  11. I have absolutely no idea how to make those. Then I would say that you first of all need to learn all of those things, study the vanilla workbench code and then give it another try
  12. Does this have anything to do with this topic?
  13. I suggest using events (i don't know which event, but you could search), check which block is about to be placed and then cancel if it's your block.
  14. Change this line: public static ClientProxyMoChickens proxy; to public static CommonProxyMoChickens proxy; And show us the ClientProxy class
  15. Solved it, i just needed to return false if is could wrench it.
  16. With this code: It doesn't break the block. It doesn't even print the lines in the console.
  17. Hello, i want to make a item that when you shift-right-click a block that implements IWrenchable, it breaks the block, much like the IC2 wrench does with it machines. I have this code in my item class: With that code it will spawn items in the world, but you can't pick them up, and it doesn't break the block. Instead, it's turning invisible. I have used the breakBlock method, but that doesn't work at all.
  18. For the water drinking, (maybe) you could check if the player is drinking a standard water bottle, and if that's done, add some water to the thirst bar.
  19. You can remove forge from the client if you aren't using ANY of the forge classes/annotations/methods in your mod.
  20. You are disabling GL11.GL_CULL_FACE, but you aren't enabling it after you're done with rendering.
  21. Tileentitys are called every tick, so you can update the tileentity 20 times per second. If you use this code: int tickCount = 0; public void updateEntity () { tickCount++; } every second tickCount gets incremented by 20. So when its at 10 seconds, tickCount is at 200. The furnace uses that method to check if there are items to be smelted, and to decrease the fuel level. So its actually very nice to use.
  22. Are you calling the registerRenderers() method?
  23. That could be... But how would i resolve that? I know it uses the getDescriptionPacket or something like that method, but i don't know how to use it. Maybe you could give a example?
  24. Ok, so it actually wasn't the this.redstonePower+=1000; , but this code public int getRedstonePowerScaled(int scaleFactor) { System.out.println(this.redstonePower * scaleFactor) } and i'm passing 27 as my scaleFactor, but it's just returning 0, even when the redstonePower > 1000 is. When i have the System.out.println() in my smeltItem() method (i'm making a sort-of furnace type thingy) it gives the right value, but if i put the same System.out.println() in my getRedstonePowerScaled method, it doesn't work. Any ideas? I will not be responding so quickly, because i'm gonna sleep now ( i'm 14 years old and it's 03:30 AM here in the netherlands )
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