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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. Wow, that tutorial is really old. You should look up an updated tutorial on how to setup Forge.
  2. You should be able to double click the files and view them. If not, tell us what is happening otherwise.
  3. Forge is added as an external library. If you ran setupDecompWorkspace, you should be able to view the source code of Minecraft.
  4. Also, check the modid you use for Draconic Evolution. I don't think you spelled it right
  5. Maybe you are registering them in a different place, but not for your TNT block. Yes, but that is not always better.
  6. No, you don't. If you do, please show us the exact line where you call GameRegistry.registerBlock.
  7. Try to reproduce the error without any mods to exclude Forge from the possible issues. Also, update. 1.8.9 is old and will stop getting support on this forums soon.
  8. Post the FML log (logs/fml-client-latest.log in your game directory).
  9. Simply changing the name won't change the value. This is basic Java. You should convert the chunk coordinates to block coordinates by using chunkX << 4. The same for chunkZ.
  10. You can override Item#getContainerItem(ItemStack) to return an ItemStack 10% of the time. Also, wrong section. This should be in Modder Support.
  11. In your addOreSpawn method, you pass in the chunk X and Z coordinate for the block X and Z parameters.
  12. After all this time, how could I forget... My bad.
  13. If you were to look at the code the vanilla compass uses to determine the user's bed location (AKA the spawnpoint of the user), you could see you can use World#getSpawnPoint to get the client player's spawnpoint.
  14. Why can't you use the client side player? The vanilla compass uses the client player as well.
  15. You can use the PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickItem to detect when the player is right clicking an Item at empty space. If you want to detect the player using an Item on a Block, use the PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickBlock.
  16. EntityList.ENTITY_EGGS is a Map<ResourceLocation, EntityEggInfo>. Get the EntityEggInfo for an Entity by using an Entity's registry ResourceLocation. Look at ItemMonsterPlacer#getSubItems on how to get a spawn egg ItemStack to add to your creative tab.
  17. I don't think there's a way to get the BossInfo from a boss, as both vanilla bosses handle BossInfo in a different way.
  18. Well, you never declare generateIn anywhere... You do however have a variable called blockspawn, of which you need to make a Predicate<IBlockState> and pass that instead of generateIn. You can use BlockMatcher.forBlock(Block) to create a Predicate<IBlocKState>.
  19. It's the top thread in Support & Bug Reports.
  20. You shouldn't avoid JSON models. Avoiding them will be harder than making a few model files.
  21. Then post the FML log (logs/fml-client-latest.log from your run directory).
  22. There already is a recommended build for Forge 1.12 (1.12- I can't possibly know why he wants to wait for the next RB.
  23. Well, you are in a development environment, right? Then there's nothing to worry about.
  24. The -Xmx256M is still present. Are you sure you don't have the environment variable anymore?
  25. it's either an issue with CustomNPCs, or a coremod messing with the EntityTracker. Try running the game without coremods (SpongeCoremod and CreativePatchingLoader).
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