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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. You might find this post helpful. It explains how to render a beam from one point to another. You should be able to adapt this explanation to your needs.
  2. There are multiple sub-events that you have to choose from. Most sub-events are static classes from the raw event. So you don't choose RenderGameOverlayEvent , but either RenderGameOverlayEvent.Pre or RenderGameOverlayEvent.Post .
  3. You have your TESR registration call in ClientProxy#init() , but you never call that method.
  4. If you update to 1.9, you can just add the glowing PotionEffect to the EntityItem in the world, and be done. Way easier than trying to do it yourself on an outdated Minecraft version.
  5. ForgeDirection is gone since it isn't necessary anymore. It has been replaced by the vanilla Minecraft's EnumFacing .
  6. If you do that, make sure world is an instance of WorldServer , otherwise World#getMinecraftServer() returns null
  7. I think this is a bug. The ItemAxe constructor gets a value from an array, which position is based on the ToolMaterial 's ordinal. You created a new ToolMaterial , and it's ordinal is bigger size of the array, so it causes an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException . A workaround is creating a copy of the ItemAxe class, and change the crashing lines to something... not crashing...
  8. You have to specify a parent in the JSON model files, for blocks you pobably want a parent of blocks/cube_all .
  9. When I updated to 1.9, I didn't have any problems with textures, only that the items were really big in your hand. Does the console specify any errors about missing textures? Could you post that log, and a screenshot of your file system?
  10. It depends on what you want to do with it. If you want to e.g. want 'connecting' blocks, vanilla Minecraft JSONs have the ability now to do that. Look at fences for an example. If you want to do something else with it, please specify.
  11. This should probably be in Forge itself, so I'm going to make a pull request when I have reasonable internet again.
  12. The vanilla fluid block override the method AxisAlignedBB getSelectedBoundingBox(IBlockState, World, BlockPos) , which if I'm right, also controls the collision box. Override that to return null should fix it.
  13. There's an MDK version already available at the file server.
  14. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded You need to give ForgeGradle at least 2 GB of memory.
  15. You have to make sure youre texture size is a power of 2 (16x16, 32x32 ... 128x128, 256x256). In there you can create an image with an aspect ratio of 16:9, and than only draw that part from the texture, using the u,v coordinates.
  16. If I recall correctly, there's currently a bug in ForgeGradle. Try running gradlew eclipse again.
  17. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,37046.0.html
  18. We can not help you any further. You do not know Java, and you sure don't have the attitude to learn it. In fact, your 'issue' is not even related to Java, but to general programming. Please, learn at least the basics of programming before trying to mod.
  19. Did you run gradlew eclipse ? If not, do it. If you did, do it again.
  20. Your DraftingBoardCraftingManager#func_180303_b returns null , which returns in a NullPointerException[code] when trying to call [code][code]aitemstack.length . BTW, you could've figured this out yourself by looking at the things which can be null on line 88.
  21. I think you are looking for WorldSavedData . You can save stuff to NBT per world or per dimension. There are a few tutorials/examples online.
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