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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. if(nbt.getString("loadedPlugin" + EALoader.instance().getPluginList().indexOf(plugin)) == null) continue; You need to use the modID here too.
  2. We are not gonna download a random file from the internet. Either post a link to github, or post your code on pastebin or gist.github.com. And please the error log, or a screenshot of the command prompt.
  3. Dont use EntityRegistry.findGlobalUniqueEntityId(); , the entity IDs are al yours, so you can start at 0 and increment for each entity.
  4. Well, inverse the values...
  5. The IllegalArgumentException comes from this constructor: public PriorityQueue(int paramInt, Comparator<? super E> paramComparator) { if (paramInt < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); this.queue = new Object[paramInt]; this.comparator = paramComparator; } As you can see, it throws an IllegalArgumentException if paramInt is less then 1. The constructor is called from this line of of code: PriorityQueue priorityqueue = new PriorityQueue(this.rawBufferIndex, new QuadComparator(this.rawBuffer, p_147564_1_ + (float)this.xOffset, p_147564_2_ + (float)this.yOffset, p_147564_3_ + (float)this.zOffset)); So this.rawBufferIndex ( paramInt ) is less then 1. I don't know the cause of that, but it may help you.
  6. In a flat world, the green is actually from a grass block, which is rendered right before it, and the color for the grass block still applies to your block. Try setting Tessellator#setColorOpaque_F(1F,1F,1F) .
  7. This topic has been moved to Support & Bug Reports. [iurl]http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=29581.0[/iurl]
  8. Yes, it is the same, but why add stuff that's already there ? Well, devding by 2 gives the middle value...
  9. It clearly tells you whats wrong.
  10. This topic has been moved to Support & Bug Reports. [iurl]http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=29547.0[/iurl]
  11. You initialize your item before the creative is initialized. You are now setting the creative tab to UltraCraft.mechanicalItemsTab before the CreativeTabs is initialized, so you actually set the creative tab to null. You need to either initialize your creative tab in a static initializer, or before the item is initialized.
  12. In 1.7.10, the int returned from getRenderType() determines how to block is rendered. In 1.8, it determines if the block will be rendered as a fluid, a standard JSON model or does not get rendered.
  13. This is the same issue as this one.
  14. If that is really the latest one, ThermalExpansion hasn't updated to the latest Forge. You'll have to wait for ThermalExpansion to be updated, or remove it from your mods list.
  15. You still have the ThermalExpansion-[1.7.10]4.0.0RC7-141.jar file, not the updated one.
  16. Where does it say that? Please link it, so we can remove it, as using MCreator is not supported here.
  17. ThermalExpansion is doing Fluids wrong, they need to update.
  18. Don't use MCreator. If you want to make a mod, do it yourself.
  19. Update Forge.
  20. Resources go in src/main/resources , not in src/main/java .
  21. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,28953.0.html
  22. Do you have GradleStart as the main class in the run configurations?
  23. Maybe you can use the AchievementEvent to check which achievement is achieved, and store that in a boolean . There may be other, better ways to do this, but I couldn't find one.
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