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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. larsgerrits with those "lmgtfy"s! Always fun with those Yeah, I do that when people ask on this forum for stuff which you can find in 2 seconds on google...
  2. Yes, we do not support 1.6.4 and older anymore. So update.
  3. You need to call Fluid#setIcons() on your fluid to make the textures work (at least for me).
  4. Show your code, especially the block and the fluid class.
  5. at WayofTime.alchemicalWizardry.common.tileEntity.TEDemonPortal.loadBuildingList(TEDemonPortal.java:1172) It has something to with Blood Magic, not something with Forge. Therefore, go to WayOfTime and give him this crash.
  6. [lmgtfy]java tutorial[/lmgtfy]
  7. Show us your TileEntity and IGuiHandler.
  8. Well yeah, because MCHeli is still for Minecraft 1.7.10, and in that version it is easy to add a Wavefront model using Forge's build-in AdvancedModelLoader. In 1.8, no such thing exists and is it difficult to add Wavefront models to the game.
  9. As said before, there's currently no easy way of importing a Wavefront model in Minecraft 1.8. On a side note: why do you want a round model in a blocky world?
  10. You commented out the packet-sending...
  11. If you get a crash, always post your crash reports.
  12. if ((entItem == null) || entItem.getEntityItem().getItem() != tileEntity.getStackInSlot(slot).getItem()) entItem = new EntityItem(tileEntity.getWorldObj(), x, y, z, tileEntity.getStackInSlot(slot)); If tileEntity.getStackInSlot(slot) returns null , it will crash when calling getItem() on null .
  13. Show us your container code.
  14. Updating Forge is pretty simple. You just need to download the installer for the forge version you want and run it. Then set the appropriate version in launcher/server.
  15. You can: StatCollector.translateToLocal("YOUR TEXT") . That will translate the given string (e.g. tile.stone.name ) in the current language (e.g. en_US ) and will result in the translated string (e.g. Stone ).
  16. Still, if updating didn't fix that issue, it fixes a lot of other issues.
  17. That version is 2 months old. Update to the latest version.
  18. Yes, when using gradlew build it will replace the ${version} . And you can leave the @Mod version empty, so it will fallback to the mcmod.info version.
  19. Derp. I should pay more attention.
  20. The version property is only replaced when building your mod, so in eclipse it is still the ${version} .
  21. But you should fix it anyway. Surround your code with: if(!event.player.worldObj.isRemote){do stuff} .
  22. As said before, it is an old version that isn't supported anymore. I doubt you can find a forum or something where they do still still support it.
  23. Psychedelicraft requires IvToolkit to work.
  24. This topic has been moved to Minecraft General. [iurl]http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=28498.0[/iurl]
  25. Why can't you download Java 7 on your mac?
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