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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. You make a field in it. Then in the readFromNBT/writeToNBT you read/write your fields to NBT.
  2. [lmgtfy]ISBRH[/lmgtfy]
  3. Why are you actually using a model? It only has 2 cubes... You should use an ISBRH. That way you don't need a TileEntity so it can be pushed by pistons.
  4. That is because your block has a TileEntity. You have to remove the TileEntity for it to be pushable by a piston.
  5. He doesn't want to spawn a new boat, he wants to make new boat. And yes, you should make a class extending EntityBoat. And yes, you spawn it using world.spawnEntityInWorld(new YourBoat(world,x,y,z));
  6. diesieben07 has a implementation here.
  7. You set player.isFlying to false.
  8. This topic has been moved to Support & Bug Reports. [iurl]http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=27378.0[/iurl]
  9. BlockPos.x? Jesus. It might be xpos, or posx, I haven't actually used 1.8 yet, but I can't imagine its that difficult. public void onMinecartPass(World worldObj, EntityMinecart cart, BlockPos pos1) This makes the @Override work and the rail itself works. However when i pass over the rail the game crashes. worldObj.createExplosion(cart, x, y, z, 0.3F, false); worldObj.newExplosion(cart, x, y, z, 3.5F, true, true); createExplosion require 3 int meaning "int x, int y, int z" public Explosion createExplosion(Entity p_72876_1_, double p_72876_2_, double p_72876_4_, double p_72876_6_, float p_72876_8_, boolean p_72876_9_) If i write this, the @Override and the rail properties dont work at all. But it doesnt show any errors. public void onMinecartPass(World worldObj, EntityMinecart cart, BlockPos pos1, int x,int y, int z) I need these "int x, int y, int z" to become "BlockPos x, BlockPos y, BlockPos z" or something like that but then if (worldObj.[b]getBlockState(pos1)[/b].getBlock() == ERMBase.armedRail) { IBlockState blockMetaData = worldObj.[b]getBlockState(pos1)[/b]; these 2 things dont work. No you don't! The BlockPos class has methods to get the x/y/z variables! Use those! No need for "BlockPos x, BlockPos y, BlockPos z"!
  10. pos1.getX() or someting like that. It REALLY isn't hard to figure this out by yourself.
  11. That is for blocks, but he has problems with entities...
  12. RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(RozNukePrimed.class, new RenderRozNukePrimed()) Where do you call that method?
  13. What the f*** are you doing? registerBlockIcons doesn't have those parameters. getIcon doesn't have those parameters. Its a void method, so you don't return anything. Read up what static means. And a lot more...
  14. What? Better description.
  15. Maybe you can try to catch the GuiOpenEvent , check if the event.gui==GuiIngameMenu and then use event.gui.buttonList.set(0,button) with the a button overriding the onActionPerformed method to first check if you can log out, and if so, proceed, else cancel.
  16. What do you want to do with it? You can just access the mouse sensitivity with Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.mouseSensitivity .
  17. 1) Learn basic Java. Without it, you are gonna have a bad time modding. 2) Start with the basic things. First do it with a tutorial, then try to do it yourself a few times to get comfortable with it, and then move on with more advanced things. But don't expect to become 'amazing at modding' in the next 2 years (probably more).
  18. No! Don't do that! If you run gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse it sets forgeSrc as a dependency in eclipe so you don't have to do that.
  19. On the server side, the getDescriptionPacket method is called, and that method returns a S35PacketUpdateTileEntity containing and NBTTagCompound containing the data you have written to it. Then it sends the packet to the client side and it calls the onDataPacket with the packet returned from the getDescriptionPacket , in which you read all the data from the NBTTagCompound in the packet.
  20. 1) Update to 1.7.10. 2) Wavefront model still work in 1.7.
  21. This topic has been moved to Support & Bug Reports. [iurl]http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=27189.0[/iurl]
  22. Post your ClientProxy and your CommonProxy.
  23. How are we supposed to know what's crashing without the crash log?
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