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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. BlockContainer does that 'weird' thing of not rendering because it has getRenderType overriden to return -1 , so it doesn't render.
  2. Seconds thread, this one will be locked.
  3. [lmgtfy=minecraftforge fluids]5 seconds to find this...[/lmgtfy]
  4. Try 0.0625F as that is what I always use as the last parameter when doing models.
  5. 1) Don't give copy-paste ready code, it doesn't help anyone 2) What is sender isn't a EntityPlayerMP ?
  6. Yes, that is the way to go. getRenderType() now has a different function.
  7. public static final ItemSeed BlueberrySeed = new ItemSeed(InitBlock.BlueberryCrop, Blocks.farmland, "BlueberrySeed"); Well well well, what do we have here... Then i can't reference it can i Well, you call InitItem.Init() from pre-init, so if you declare your item outside the method, and instantiate the item in pre-init and register it there as well, it should work just fine.
  8. public static final ItemSeed BlueberrySeed = new ItemSeed(InitBlock.BlueberryCrop, Blocks.farmland, "BlueberrySeed"); Well well well, what do we have here...
  9. Show your Gui class. It is probably caused by the fact that the xSize and ySize are not big enough.
  10. Wtf? Do you have any idea of what your talking about? Learn Java!
  11. To get the player object, you first need to learn Java, and then suddenly realise it's magic, and you get it by using the parameters of the method.
  12. You still use a integer... Use a foreach loop over ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS . Don't know what a foreach loop is? Learn Java!
  13. A byte has a max value of 255, meaning it ranges from 0-255, or 256 values. And yes, I think it corresponds blocks like that.
  14. You can use a Wavefront model for your entity model, although it is much harder to use than Techne. Why don't you want to use Techne?
  15. The reg crash IS the updated crash. That is impossible. Either you didn't send the entire src file or you sent an outdated version That crash report specifically states that the issue is in line 45 but your code only goes to line 42. Please re-run it and re-submit your crash report.
  16. You now you need to use an event, so look up how to do events. You know you need to use GameRegistry.findBlock . You need to specify it with the modid of the mod, and the name the block is registered with. Store that block somewhere in a static variable. In the HarvestCheck event, you can get the block, compare it wil the block in that variable, and check if the tool the player (get the player from the event) is holding has the harvest level you want it to have, and then set success to true , else you set it to false .
  17. That method also exists for 1.7.
  18. private ItemStack[] slots = new ItemStack[2]; 2 elements, meaning indices 0 and 1.
  19. This is an english forum, so let's keep it that way.
  20. Did you mean that it is necessary to use methods BuildCraft? Well, atleast try to implements these methods: public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int p_94041_1_, ItemStack p_94041_2_) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public int[] getAccessibleSlotsFromSide(int p_94128_1_) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public boolean canExtractItem(int p_102008_1_, ItemStack p_102008_2_, int p_102008_3_) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; }
  21. Yeah, maybe try actually doing something witht the methods
  22. Just put the mods API in src/api/java , and it will automatically compile it with your mod.
  23. No they do not. One has a colon before textures, the other does not. The colon is required for textures to work properly. It actually doesn't matter which one you use, they both do the same thing.
  24. Don't compare Items and Blocks using .equals() ! You can safely use == , because item and block classes are singletons.
  25. Metadata is stored in the damage value of the ItemStack, and you set the max damage to 0 in the item constructor.
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