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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. Please, use for-loops to place the blocks, not a single setBlock for each of them.
  2. This topic has been moved to Minecraft General. [iurl]http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=26422.0[/iurl]
  3. Yes, dimensions are server side.
  4. Look at the arguments from the methods...
  5. If you have to search for tutorials for this type of very basic Java, you shouldn't be modding. Learn Java and come back then.
  6. @EventHandler public void preInit(FMLInitializationEvent event){ ... } @EventHandler public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event){ ... } Copy-Pasting...
  7. Just look at the super's class (Event.class) and you'll see it pretty fast.
  8. The last parameter in your call to model.render() should be 0.0625F instead of 0 .
  9. That's because the standard mods are obuscated to work in a normal environment, and not in a dev-environment. To solve this, add CodeChickenCore to the mods folder, as it will runtime-deobfuscate the mods so they can work in a dev-environment.
  10. Can't you use a custom renderer to render the stone layer first and then render your custom stuff after that?
  11. Or do something like this: Block[] blockArray = new Block[]{block1,block2,block3,block4,...};
  12. You mean a random one of the 16 blocks? If so, add a Block[] and a Random field in your item, and when ou want to place that block, get the Block using Block block = blockArray[random.nextInt(blockArray.length)] .
  13. Ik weet wel hoe groot een chunk is Het is 16 keer 16 keer 256 I know how big a chunk is A chunk is 16 by 16 by 256 Then why do you do random.netInt([b]256[/b]) ? (also, this is an english forum, and lets keep it this way)
  14. And you also don't know how big a chunk is, do you?
  15. Before the calls to Tessellator#addVertexWithUV() , add Tessellator#setColorOpaque_F(1, 1, 1) .
  16. GL11.glScalef(scale,scale,scale)
  17. Item.getItemFromBlock(Block)
  18. If the entity is yours, you can override the interact(EntityPlayer) method, in which you can get the ItemStack the player is holding (can be null), check if the item is the item you want, and get the variables from the stackTagCompound (can be null) of the item the player is currently holding.
  19. Class.class.getResourceAsStream isn't related to Forge anyway. It's plain Java, so look up on that.
  20. We don't offer help for versions before 1.7. I'd say you're on your own.
  21. Don't edit base classes. Forge has everything you need to make this work.
  22. Set this.stepHeight to the amount of blocks the entity can hop. Eg, 1 means 1 block, 3 means 3 blocks and 0.5 mean a half a block (slabs)
  23. Yeah, not gonna download something from a random site. Make a GitHub for your mod, or post the code on pastebin.com with syntax highlighting as java.
  24. Does it go INSIDE(!) the if-statement if holding, for example, oak log?
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