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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. Good for you. Now what do you want us to do?
  2. You can use WorldSavedData for this.
  3. Well, the parameters are: - clazz : the entity class you want to check for, for example EntityPlayer will get all the EntityPlayers in the radius. - aabb : an AxisAlignedBB which specified the box it will search for entities in. You get one using AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox() . - filter : an IEntitySelector to specifiy which entities are applicable to put in the List. You can either make a new one, or use one of the existing ones.
  4. Why not extend TileFluidHandler insteand of implementing IFluidHandler yourself?
  5. @SidedProxy(clientSide="com.shaharcoolmen.randcommands.proxy.ClientProxy.ClientProxy", serverSide="com.shaharcoolmen.randcommands.proxy.CommonProxy.CommonProxy") WTF???
  6. The italics are caused by getting a value from an array with an index of i, for example, you have this: GuiButtonPseudoSlot pSlot = pSlots[i]; if (pSlot.pointIsOver(x, y)) {...} The forums sees the [i.] bit (no dot) as a italics sign, so it set's everything after that in italics.
  7. If you only want to change the icon based on metadata, override getIconFromDamage(int damage) . If you also want to change the icon based on the NBT or something else, override getIconIndex(ItemStack) .
  8. Assuming you are using GuiContainer, GuiContainer has a field called field_146994_N which is the ItemStack on the cursor right now.
  9. Did you try to pass Material.water as your block material? Because it shouldn't render the side if the material of the block next to it is the same material.
  10. Try passing Material.water as the block material.
  11. Show your @SidedProxy line, the CommonProxy field below the @SidedProxy , and the proxy classes (ClientProxy and CommonProxy).
  12. If you tell us why, we can maybe help you with a other solution that doesn't involve editing base classes.
  13. What doesn't work with the onLivingUpdate ?
  14. This topic has been moved to Support & Bug Reports. [iurl]http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=26585.0[/iurl]
  15. You imported the wrong Configuration class. You need to import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration .
  16. You can use the PlayerInteractEvent and check if event.action==Action.ACTION_YOU_WANT .
  17. Which MC version?
  18. How are we supposed to help you without your code?
  19. You can use the ExplodingEvent.Start and check if event.explosion.exploder instanceof EntityCreeper for the exploding creeper.
  20. Is there somewhere you call the onBlockAdded method yourself? If so,you shouldn't.
  21. Put a breakpoint on that line and inspect the values. Either customRenderItem or ghostEntityItem is null .
  22. What's at this line of the code? at com.baublelicious.blocks.TileentityPedistalRenderer.renderTileEntityAt(TileentityPedistalRenderer.java:86) ~[TileentityPedistalRenderer.class:?]
  23. Yes, the method is executed twice: on the server and on the client.
  24. Take a look at CreativeTabs#displayAllRelevantItems(List) .
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