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Everything posted by Abastro

  1. 1. Process which changes the World should be done on server. Check for isRemote. 2. World#markAndNotifyBlock will mark the change and notify it to the client.
  2. You can use your proxy for that.
  3. I got a mistake there, sorry for that. The State Mapper evaluates the exact location. In oak leaves case, "oak_leaves" is just compound of "oak" and "_leaves".
  4. 'NBTTagList list = nbt.getTagList("Items", 1);'? The second parameter does not mean the length of the tag list. It is the id of the NBT element, which is 10 of NBTTagCompound in this case.
  5. It seems that one cannot replace registry name in ResourceLocation with variants on rendering. Look into the implementation of StateMap.
  6. 1. You had better provide the position information of the 'black hole' in the packet, and move the player to the direction. 2. The player we control is stored in Minecraft#thePlayer. As far as I know, it is the only entity which is not fully controlled on the server.
  7. GenLayer#getInts does not only contain biome information, which you only provides from your GenLayer. Either implement your own WorldChunkManager or change the GenLayerApocalypse to give all the informations. (Take a look at GenLayerBiome)
  8. It's impossible unless you make New Ender Dragon, or creating new World that resembles The End. It's because ender dragon path finding is hardcoded and dependent to DragonFightManager, which is gotten from WorldProviderEnd.
  9. Photoptics is a mod which adds Optical Instruments to minecraft, like telescopes. [/img] [/img] Download: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/photoptics
  10. You should override WorldType#getChunkGenerator, and provide your custom Chunk Provider. If you don't know how to implement the chunk provider, ChunkProviderFlat will help you greatly. EDIT: You should also override WorldType#getChunkManager and do some biome restriction with WorldChunkManager.
  11. Note that 1. There is ItemStack#hasTagCompound() to check if the itemstack has data. 2. It seems that Capability system for Item will fit in this case greatly. Have a look at it.
  12. 1. Capabilities are, basically, sort of data storage. (in RAM/HDD, anyway) So you can use it to store your Capabilities. 2. To use the data, one can use Event System. There are several events like LivingAttackEvent, which will fit your needs. - How to use the data in the events? 1) Get the Caps from the ItemStack 2) Apply effects for the caps 3. Most event methods of Item class has ItemStack as parameter. So you can also use Caps there, if you have central Item class to control all of the guns.
  13. The mod that is separated from Stellarium. Current: Planned: Download: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/stellar-sky
  14. You should not mod before you learn basic java.
  15. What he wanted to implement is cannot be obtained in those ways. If he create custom dimensions for generating 4-dimensional world, it will be really buggy because every time he want to generate something he would need communication between dimensions which would be very heavy in terms of performance. I don't know how he can achieve, but if it can be achieved by changing NibbleArray and nothing much more than that, it would be okay. @OP So how many changes do you need?
  16. You should correct unit of latestVelocity to be block/tick.
  17. I think it is a bug in forge. Something in forge allows free accounts to play normal minecraft, not demo. (But not in online-mod server)
  18. You can just set render handler. Use WorldProvider#setSkyRenderer(IRenderHandler theSkyRenderer). (In case you don't know how to get overworld worldprovider, use WorldEvent.Load and check if its dimensionId is 0)
  19. There is some possibility that mod block uses IFluidBlock as Choonster said. Vanilla checks if a block is liquid using block.getMaterial().isLiquid().
  20. Does the built .jar file contains resource folder?
  21. You should register model names. Only item name itself automatically registered as model name.
  22. When block is Block type, block.getMaterial().isLiquid() would be sufficient.
  23. That is not the strength. They are the acceleration variable, and they just get normalized before usage. So, multiplying some number to them would result in nothing. Seriously, you should try to know what a parameter does before just putting random numbers like 1.
  24. I think you should show relevant code with this line: ModelMapper.getBaked(CannonPart.CHASE, "defaultchase")
  25. That would not work in some case, like block models with multiple textures. Why do you want to obtain texture? I think you can just display the item. (In this case, something like ItemRenderer#render(IBakedModel) would be sufficient)
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