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Everything posted by ObsequiousNewt

  1. Can we see your code?
  2. I don't use the console only because I find it easier to use graphical interfaces. Oddly, I find programming those interfaces to be a bitch. Someone's got to do the dirty work
  3. Have you tried removing individual mods to see which one is causing the problem?
  4. Please post the *full* ForgeModLoader-client-0.log.
  5. Git GUI? EGit? GFW? Git out! I use console Git. (lol, hipster.) If you do, what does "git status" give you?
  6. not really updated So someone needs to bug Overmind to update it.
  7. Naw. A Java array is final, but you can change an individual element. Just do block.blocksList[blah] = new MyReplacedBlock();
  8. TRIPLE POST! You're trying to treat a List<ItemStack> as an ItemStack. Either take the first element, or loop through the list.
  9. You waited two hours. I'm not on all day. Be patient. Anyway, I have a feeling that your Ceepe.JorganOre might not be initialized. That's the only thing that would be causing an NPE.
  10. The problem, I think, relies on that your mod generates after natura per chunk, but your asking for random numbers offsets natura's generation for other chunks. Perhaps you could try creating your own Random instance and using that instead?
  11. Two words: client-server disparity.
  12. Did you try putting some sort of a check in there to see if it's getting called? Remember, also, that you have to spawn it far enough; that checks for collisions as with boats.
  13. I just added them, but am I mistaken to think the NBT stuff is for storing and loading the tile entity's inventory? We're only dealing with player inventory here; the tile entity doesn't have an inventory (well, now it might, with the NBT stuff added). New code here, though the problem is unaffected: -snip- *impersonates Dirk Gently* "I believe in the fundamental interconnectedness of all things." ...Actually, I'm just trying various things and hoping something works. I can't find anything wrong.
  14. Howza 'bout your CeepWorldGeneration class.
  15. Register your entity like this: EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(MyEntity.class,"myEntityID",id,this,trackingRange,updateFrequency,true); I use 256 for trackingRange and 1 for updateFrequency. Then you need to override onItemRightClick() in your item class. Look at ItemBoat for how to do it.
  16. You also need the NBT read/write functions. Actually, I think that is at the root of the problem.
  17. (1) You could make it customizable or load from a file, certainly... but how you load the file is up to you. (2) You want to make and register an IWorldGenerator. Check, in the generate() function, if the coordinates you have chosen are in the specified chunk (that function gets called for every chunk generated.)
  18. What's the crash log?
  19. Check your TileEntity class; someone else is having a slightly similar problem.
  20. ForgeModLoader-client-0.log please. All that the "missed state" error means is that there was an error.
  21. Minecraft needs an accelerated pixel format to function. So far as I know, Forge doesn't tamper with that. I don't understand how you got Minecraft to function on that computer in the first place.
  22. (1) You want to use a model instead of a block-based structure? (2) Try (I think) world.mapStorage or world.perWorldStorage.
  23. Yes. Nota Bene: that function will return the translated key for the currently loaded language. If you want any other language, you will have to mess with StringTranslate itself—loadLanguage() is private.
  24. Thanks for the help. The problem persists quite stubbornly... as for my tile entity, I've updated the original post with it. But it's mostly empty; I didn't think the tile entity had anything to do with the player's inventory. The gui and block aren't calling for the block's inventory at all; for now, it's just trying to properly bind the player's inventory to the gui/container. But, if you can see something in the mostly barebones tile entity, please let me know. The TileEntity is just as important as the Container. Perhaps more so. You need to add an ItemStack[] field and fix all those auto-generated IInventory functions. Look at my code for an example.
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