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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by ObsequiousNewt

  1. If you want to make such an event, you should actually submit a PR to Forge itself. I suspect many modders would want such an event. Funny actually, that Bukkit has one but Forge doesn't.
  2. ROFL You, sir, get a +1 for that.
  3. The funny thing is, it seems like "block placed" and "block destroyed" are two of the most common and most wanted events, but I can't seem to find any sort of associated event. Which makes me think that it's some other, stupidly obvious method, which is why I'm afraid to post it on the hook suggestions, either for fear of "There's already a method stop bugging me lockban!" or "I'm going to implement one stop bugging me lockban!"
  4. Excuse me if I'm being dense, but why not just store those variables in your WorldGen, and put the check in generate()?
  5. Besides the already cleared fact that there are already flower pots, you don't NEED a TileEntity with TESR. The vanilla pot uses IIRC simple block renderers. If he's creating a new flower pot, which I assume he is (for whatever reasons), then he will probably want a TESR and custom model.
  6. Try world.getBlockLightValue().
  7. Copypasta! Actually, I can do GL... but I think Minecraft "does GL" in a much different style.
  8. As in, there should be no reason you would want anything like "getLastInt()". What is your native language, anyway?
  9. Well, then, I'll leave you to it. If you need any more help ask me.
  10. Problem with NEI. Not ours.
  11. Um... we need some code to work with. Logs might be helpful too.
  12. It looks like those extra stone blocks (the ones that look weird) might normally be (but probably are not) being replaced with water... but I guess it's doubtful at best. SoundManager.stopAllSounds() would stop them initially. To ensure that none play... I would use an event handler to cancel all instances of PlaySoundEvent.
  13. First of all, you don't need a getTextureFile() method. Second of all, the path to your items and blocks should be /mods/jordsta95/items/ (or /mods/jordsta95/blocks/).
  14. Why... do you... never mind, I don't even want to ask. You probably want to use i/k < myList.length if you want to register the name for all of the items. As it is you're leaving out the last one. Your problem could be caused by a failure to register your block. Are you registering your block?
  15. Sure. I'd be glad to help.
  16. Wait, the entity texture isn't working or the block texture isn't working? Because the original question seemed to be about the entity texture, but then we started talking about the block texture, and honestly I have no idea how.
  17. You're doing something wrong.
  18. Maybe you didn't copy the whole file...?
  19. Um, where is the source? Also, it looks like this mod *has* been updated already...
  20. Good point. I had forgotten that. Well, after some exhaustive research... I have no idea. I must be missing something. Eurgh. I have never tried to puzzle my way through MC code and I don't intend to now... but I'd like to point out: That caught my eye. I'm too lazy to find the line number, but what is that?
  21. Pretend I don't know what that means So what do I do. Do I go into the, in my case, GemItems.java file and add getIcon? Or do I add: itemIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon("unlocalized name") ? Or do I do something COMPLETELY different? Register all of the icons in registerIcons(IconRegister), instead of just one. Then redefine getIconFromDamage(meta) in the same class, just like you overrode registerIcons, and tell it to return the appropriate icon (you'll have to make a list, or else three variables) for the given metadata.
  22. There... are... already... flower... pots... You need a TileEntity and a TESR.
  23. *throws several thermonuclear bombs and a can of Coke at Greenman* I assure you, that would solve your problem, and in fact ensure that you don't have any problems anymore.
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