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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by ObsequiousNewt

  1. Can I see the mod directory layout?
  2. Try isValidArmor(ItemStack, int, Entity).
  3. We need a modder support EAQ as well. It should include that image as well as an answer to all of the entity questions.
  4. Out of curiosity, did you set your environment up according to Pahimar's tutorial? Because I've known that to fail, often in interesting ways.
  5. I would probably be using x, y, and z instead of par2, par4, and par6... just sayin'.
  6. Bump! Is there at least an example of an entity I could use?
  7. Why is your armor texture not "/mods/EverythingAndMore/textures/mob/Dragoone.png"?
  8. Save a list of locations. I don't know much about this, but I think it involves either world.mapStorage or world.perWorldStorage.
  9. TRIPLE POST! Sorry, I have problems which (I believe) have to do with packets myself.
  10. (1) You need to put a check in there for whatever block you want to replace. (2) Make sure you have it as y+1 instead of y-1. (3) You'll probably want to change waterStill to waterMoving (or whatever moving water is.) Sorry about that.
  11. First of all, it's been three hours. Be patient. Second of all, what do you mean by "when he's busy with the server"?
  12. I *think* that the motion variables get redefined in onUpdate, so you might be better off creating your own variables or using moveEntity() or something.
  13. ...and you don't have a TE variable in your GUI? Because, if not, you should.
  14. I suspect you don't want to reinstantiate your item class. What is the generate() code?
  15. Do you mean to change the vanilla armor model or create your own?
  16. Yep, your client proxy is in the wrong place. Move the "client" folder into "steamboats".
  17. Your TileEntity, *not* your TESR, should extend IInventory. I don't know about IMerchant.
  18. I do have to thank you, though. I had decided to look through your code and compare it to ours, at which point I noticed that ours was dreadfully broken, so I fixed it.
  19. See, now, I was told to do it a different method, which has always worked fine for me. Pahimar's tutorial looks outdated.
  20. ... because for some reason that wasn't the first thing I tried... I'm not just going to copy paste code if I don't understand how it works, that's just not good practice.
  21. ... because for some reason that wasn't the first thing I tried... I'm not just going to copy paste code if I don't understand how it works, that's just not good practice. Yeah, you're right; I don't do that either if I can avoid it, but that's my best suggestion. Sorry
  22. You don't have an @Instance...
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