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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by ObsequiousNewt

  1. It's inside my custom mob entity class. If you want to edit vanilla mobs you're going to need to look elsewhere. I'm not sure this is doable without base class editing. What if you cancelled the event then added a new one with the amount changed?
  2. It should be mcp/src/minecraft/mods/trunkS/textures/items/woodParticle.png. Rekkyn put an extra "mod/" folder in there.
  3. In your item class, override onBlockDestroyed, and decrease the metadata of the ItemStack argument. Also, this should go in the Modder Support board.
  4. this.worldObj You don't have to get rid of the loop; just replace the current FX line. If you want a custom EntityFX, make one.
  5. I *think* you're using the wrong method to spawn a particle. Try world.spawnParticle("reddust",x,y,z,xVel,yVel,zVel);
  6. I was under the impression that you couldn't do that without access transformers.
  7. Entity registration code, please, and can you find out which variable is causing the NPE? Oh, and your FML log would be nice too.
  8. Ah, yes, you are, now that I look at the log more carefully. You're missing a mod that calls itself "mod_bspkrsCore", required by TreeCapitator. A quick search tells me this:
  9. That argument is the tracking range of the entity. (it will despawn when you are farther than that.) TBH, I don't quite know what units it uses. Try 256; that seems to work well enough.
  10. Whoops, sorry, my bad. Line 205 of EntityFishHook (the problematic line) says ItemStack itemstack = this.angler.getCurrentEquippedItem(); This means that you don't have this.angler defined. Can I see your ItemFishingHook? How are you initializing the entity?
  11. to code a sword is the on of the easiest things i make. make an new itemclass for it and extends it itemsword: than add these things: setMaxDamage(); getDamageVsEntity(); onHitEntity();//Damage the tool when you hit an entity onDistroyBlock(); //damage the sword when it distroy its block and thats it. Or there is that. A more... elegant solution. I'll admit, I was feeling too lazy to check if ItemSword could be successfully overridden.
  12. this: EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(PipeXPOrb.class, "PipeXPOrb", 1, this, EntityID_PipeXPOrb, 5, false); EntityRegistry.registerGlobalEntityID(PipeXPOrb.class, "PipeXPOrb", EntityID_PipeXPOrb); You only need the first registrar line, and your arguments (specifically the fifth) are wrong.
  13. No, the base directory is the mod jar. (I'm not sure if minecraft.jar files are included.) I don't know how to find files within the .minecraft folder but without the jar... I'd look in the Configuration code to see how it's done.
  14. The word I understand, it's the phrasing that was used. I understand that; I was being sardonic. I suspect he didn't mean "erode", but I can't think of what else would fit either.
  15. Yep; I think in this case you need a TileEntity (but at least you don't need to write a TESR.)
  16. Which is the problematic line (line 205)?
  17. It is in /coremods/. Read the log. Since when is NEI server-side, and why?
  18. Sounds like it might be using the same obfuscated names for your classes as for the Minecraft base classes...?
  19. Thank you, but as this is part of an interactive compiler (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1361604-152-windows-linkseyis-modmaker-create-unique-blocks-items-recipes-mobs-and-models-structures-and-biomes-with-a-simple-gui/#entry16594112), changing around large amounts of code is not practical unless ultimately necessary. Also, I have tried using the Forge equivalent to addName (LanguageRegsitry.addName) and got the same results. If you don't want to use Forge, don't come complaining to Forge when your mod doesn't work. I don't think you understand. I am using the ModLoader class in Forge, which should work fine (it's designed to be ModLoader-compatible). No, I don't think you understand. YOUR PROBLEM IS COMING FROM MAKING THE MOD IN A MOD MAKER!!!! Since you have done that, it cannot read properly, and editing it is just pointless. So you need to decompile MCP with forge, REWRITE your mod (yes, the whole damn thing because it is already recompiled/reobfuscated) and then recompile/reobfuscate it the normal way. And ObsequiousNewt is right, don't come complaining about forge related problems if you are making a mod using another API. No, I made the ModMaker. I'm trying to update it to be Forge-compatible (sorry for the misunderstanding). I can rewrite things to be "completely Forge", but I'd rather know what the immediate problem is before I do that. I would recommend rewriting things to be "completely Forge" first. I don't know what the specific problem is, but I conjecture you need to tell Forge the mod context. lol, hipster Hipster? What do you mean by that sir? I mean that I was into Minecraft before it was cool. What does that have to do with me? "...or something that is the right word for this situation" Not that "hipster" especially fits, I just felt a need to say "lol, hipster"
  20. Make the item, then override the onLeftClickEntity() function.
  21. NEI is also a client-only mod.
  22. Thank you, but as this is part of an interactive compiler (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1361604-152-windows-linkseyis-modmaker-create-unique-blocks-items-recipes-mobs-and-models-structures-and-biomes-with-a-simple-gui/#entry16594112), changing around large amounts of code is not practical unless ultimately necessary. Also, I have tried using the Forge equivalent to addName (LanguageRegsitry.addName) and got the same results. If you don't want to use Forge, don't come complaining to Forge when your mod doesn't work.
  23. lol, hipster Hipster? What do you mean by that sir? I mean that I was into Minecraft before it was cool.
  24. You don't. Either the client user chooses to install it, or they don't. You can't force them.
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