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Everything posted by ObsequiousNewt

  1. Your generation code calls getBlockID() for an adjacent chunk, which then itself generates and calls your code, which calls getBlockID() for an adjacent chunk, which then generates and calls your code, which calls getBlockID() for an adjacent chunk... ad nauseam. Did you copy that code from WorldGenTrees? What did you change?
  2. You might have to redefine quantityDropped() as well; if it returns 0 every time you won't get anything.
  3. You... might be better off finding a Russian modder.
  4. You need a genius? I'm a genius! *reads topic* Owait, ninja'd.
  5. QUADRA-POST! Sorry about the lack of help; I don't know anything about sounds.
  6. ...Colour me obsequious. An NPE where neither of the variables are null?
  7. How would I go about doing that exactly? Redefine onUpdate(ItemStack, World, Entity, int, bool) in the item that you want to change. Put some sort of a check in there: if X ticks have passed, change the contents of the ItemStack.
  8. I don't feel in much of a position to "get Overmind" to do anything.
  9. That's not the entire log.
  10. There's no report here...
  11. That... is odd. Could you post your main mod source file please?
  12. Material.leaves is linked to a few scattered properties; the "material" thing isn't very well organized. What properties is your block missing?
  13. Probably. Where did you get a 1.5.2 beta, if you don't mind me asking?
  14. Looks like a bug with IC2, which I would attribute to IC2 not being updated for 1.5.2.
  15. If you're doing it right, the ID in the code is just the default. If you delete your config file, it should re-generate with the default IDs in your code.
  16. Got it. Sorry that took a while; I was listing Railcraft and Forestry. I'm sort of unaware as to the "popular" mods nowadays; could someone enlighten me?
  17. Sigged! So...so horribly out of date. Thaumcraft 3 isn't even in the same 1000s bracket that that lists it as. It's over in the 3000-3100 last I peeked. So bug Overmind to update it (or else hand it off to someone else). Besides, it's better than nothing.
  18. Make it public rather than protected.
  19. I saw that, but it didn't say which mod used which... Never mind, it looks like RP2, IC2, and Forestry, so I'll just read those myself.
  20. Well, I've posted a topic just like I'd suggested. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,8959.0.html
  21. And...might cause conflicts with other mods. Unofficial ID Listing FTW!
  22. Based on an idea by Moritz in http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,8917.0.html, I've decided to start an unofficial ore/liquid list for mods that register with the Ore Dictionary. (I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section; it's supposed to be akin to the unofficial ID listing, but that has its own board.) Please comment with the ores you use as well as the IDs under which they are registered in the Forge Ore Dictionary. I'll maintain the official list in the OP. NOTE: I WILL ONLY WATCH MODS THAT ARE UPDATED TO THE MOST RECENT VERSION: 1.5.2 Currently tracked mods: Vanilla Minecraft Railcraft Forestry CodeLyoko by Endershadow beeComb Forestry blockSteel Railcraft dropHoney Forestry dropHoneydew Forestry dropRoyalJelly Forestry dustCharcoal Railcraft dustObsidian Railcraft dustSaltpeter Railcraft dustSulfur Railcraft fuelCoke Railcraft gemApatite Forestry ingotBronze Forestry ingotCopper Forestry ingotRadioactiveLead CodeLyoko ingotSteel Railcraft ingotTin Forestry ingotUranium CodeLyoko itemPollen Forestry logWood Vanilla (any), Forestry (any) nuggetIron Railcraft nuggetSteel Railcraft oreApatite Forestry oreCopper Forestry oreDiamond Vanilla (Diamond Ore), Railcraft(Dark Diamond Ore) oreEmerald Vanilla (Emerald Ore), Railcraft (Dark Emerald Ore) oreGold Vanilla oreIron Vanilla oreLapis Vanilla (Lapis Ore), Railcraft (Dark Lapis Ore) oreRadioactiveLead CodeLyoko oreRedstone Vanilla oreSaltpeter Railcraft oreSulfur Railcraft oreTin Forestry oreUranium CodeLyoko plankWood Vanilla (any), Forestry (any) slabWood Vanilla (any), Forestry (any) stairWood Vanilla (any) stickWood Vanilla (any) treeLeaves Vanilla (any) treeSapling Vanilla (any), Forestry EDIT: Now alphabetized!
  23. Er, sorry, I meant Block.blockLeaves.blockID rather than BlockLeaves.blockID. (Derp)
  24. There's already an EntitySmokeFX. Or do you want to change it?
  25. Create your BlockMyLeaves extends BlockLeaves, then put this in your @Init: Block.blocksList[blockLeaves.blockID] = new BlockMyLeaves();
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