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Everything posted by Mazetar

  1. Time to read up on arrays inn your book mate Take your time, and everything will work out eventually
  2. That is the main block list which stores ALL the blocks inn the game. If you block is a block at all, then it will be inn that list. As long as your block extends Block then it will have a constructor asking for an ID which is used to store it inside the block list. 4096 is the decleared size of the Block[](Block Array)
  3. Well that's great Problem solved.. somehow
  4. Hmm just for the heck of it, what happends if you make timestone register it's icon to the same as the working one? (ParallelWorlds:Hellite) Edit: AssassinHero: How many blocks and items do you have inn your project at the moment, how big is the mod in terms of files?
  5. Good you are learning Java, and the basics of how breakpoints work can't be that hard to grasp. it's a way to stop the program at a certain point inn the code, to see what's going on. Just being able to stop and step by step look at what it does ain't that hard to understand I would believe? The reasons why I tell you to learn this ain't to be a jerk, it's because it will be a vital skill for you to have when coding and creating programs/mods. But honestly if setting a break point is hard, then I suggest you focus more on learning java than on modding first I would recommend watching CS106a from stanford, it's a brilliant lecture series and it's freely available here: http://see.stanford.edu/see/lecturelist.aspx?coll=824a47e1-135f-4508-a5aa-866adcae1111 If you have doubts wether or not it's for you then just check out the first video. also all handouts and assignments etc. are included for download on the page. Even tough this is a course from a university it's aimed towards people who have NO prior coding experience and no special education inn computers at all! I just finished watching the later lecture series and I recommend it to anyone wanting to learn programming as for your problem with the plant, I would check the method "canPlaceBlockAt" since the problem is it's breaking when it shouldnt.
  6. This should tell you what you need to know, for whatever you need it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix
  7. It means that here is no such method, called "func_98187_b" inside RenderEngine. Since your tutorial says there is, I would assume it did exist earlier but now has been renamed. I'm not familiar with rendering code so I'm not sure what it's renamed too but that should be possible to find out
  8. so its not immediately obvious to you that you should read up on debugging?
  9. yes you may download the source for that addon mod and see how it's made and no I will keep my language to one everyone can understand so others too can follow this topic and to prevent it from derailing
  10. Hers the OpenCCScensors addon for ComputerCraft. It's open soruce so you can look at it's code fi you want to see how an addon to computer craft is modded. https://github.com/Cloudhunter/OpenCCSensors
  11. Nope, ComputerCraft is closed source so you can't unless you decompile it somehow and even then it will probably be unreadable to you However you can look at EE3 or Buildcraft's code, since they are open source
  12. For a GUI based mod you need to learn about how GUI's work as well as learn how the logic of such games work. In addition to that you should study player input and of course basics of java For a in-world type of screen which renders animation and work as the screens from computercraft you will need to study a lot of stuff. Like how rendering works, how the game code for rendering works and ofcourse knowing some basics of OpenGL doesn't hurt either.
  13. I think this tutorial can be helpful for you: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/982336-tutorial-147-nbttagcompound-using-itemstacks-stacktagcompound-for-permanent-extra-data-storage/
  14. The question was already correctly answered and your solution would be to make it act like a bucket of milk... Besides you are adding things to the item.java file, which would make the mod you are creating incompitable with EVERY other mod.
  15. Beacuse it's possible to override it. And then the world etc. come inn handy.
  16. uhm basic question, but since it's still not working.. your texture files are all saved as .png files, right?
  17. Come'on mate, bump doesn't tell us shit. And as for your signature, do you really feel that we been crucifying you so far? except this bump thing we haven't even said one rough word... And be so kind to remember that all of us here is doing this to HELP you and others.. We been trying our best with the information given. Also is the block code you posted the whole code for you block class, or did you leave out some lines? Vogner, he did above:
  18. so when you bump your own damn problem without letting people know that you have read and tried the solution, without it working...
  19. registerIcons as we mentioned above is spelled with a lower case 'r' not an upper case 'R'. as stated above by NuclearFej & Vogner. Have you tried changing it to lowercase r?
  20. That's wrong, I can only speak for myself of course but I only crucify people for the following reasons: - Asking for help with crash, bugs etc. but not giving Code/Logs inn readable format. (use pastebin ppl!). - When people ask for stuff they didn't care to google themselfs. - people refusing to learn what they are doing and instead just want their mod given to them. So feel free to ask any and all questions you may have related to modding, as long as you actually tried to avoid the above points you will be fine <3 And for your real question. Well good question, I'm not sure about event listeners for that but I'll try to check around when I get to my eclipse computer
  21. [lmgtfy=breakpoints debugging eclipse]Learn all about breakpoints, debugging and debuggers by clicking this link.[/lmgtfy] Debugging is an essential skill to have as a programmer of ANY language. print out statements and of course the use of the integrated debugger of eclipse is a MUST to learn about!
  22. No you don't have the same problem, yours is totally different. He's error is a method being undefined. And yours is clearly an Null Pointer Exception It's located inn your client proxy's line number 14.
  23. I was referring to the fact that the guys reading your post couldn't know that. The only info you provided was that you did not use the original rendering for ladders... And it worked, since it made you show the code you have written. Now it's possible for someone to debugg this thing
  24. Just a wild guess, could it's rendering problem be related to it's custom rendering process?
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