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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Mazetar

  1. Yeah it lead to that part where it returned something.. But what was that value at that specific time?
  2. http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Basic_Modding
  3. at mysticrealm.common.world.biomes.MysticBiomeDecorator.decorate(MysticBiomeDecorator.java:63) okay lets look at line 63: var5.setScale(1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D); hmm what is var5? on line 62: WorldGenerator var5 = this.biome.getRandomWorldGenForTrees(this.randomGenerator); For some reason the value of var5 on line 63 is null, thats what the error message is saying. So why is it null, if we look at the call on line 62 it should be instanciated but it's not. So from the stacktrace and code we can deduce that the error is with line 62. Set a breakpoint at line 62 and check what happends, I'm sure the getRandomWorldGenForTrees is returning null for some reason.
  4. It's the same, ask author for the source or use some kind of decompiler, this you can find on google.
  5. Add a new non-transperent background layer then ^^ Also fi you search around for some paint.net tutorials I'm sure you can find some new tricks to make the job easier when you know the tools and shortcuts ^^
  6. couldn't one do the explosion in front of the player, based on his location and the way he is facing?
  7. A block that needs more information than the metadata can hold needs to have an TileEntity, its basicly a way of storing extra information for blocks, such as burning time for the Furnace.
  8. he did tell you to cast the variable to EntityPlayerMP... do that also be sure to check it before doing so to prevent crashes etc. if you don't know what we are talking about I suggest you read up on type casting and java programming
  9. Just opened eclipse and wrote this line: EntityLiving el = new EntityLiving(); Then i did this: el. and scrolled trough the list I got over stuff I can access from the EntityLiving object, which gave me this result as a likely solution:
  10. First thing to check is where the origo/center of the rotation for each cube? The blue sphere marks the rotation point, which the part will rotate around. If the center is miss placed you get weird acting animations. If for example it's at the bottom of the leg, the leg will rotate down to the ground by disconnecting from the hip
  11. based on the fact that 90% of the questions seen on this side of the forum is about basic programming and that he did say hes not familiar with overriding methods. I'd say it's not to far a stretch for someone to say that he is unfamiliar to these principles, meaning he should read up on them. Well then he needs to specify his question if he does know OOP principles, beacuse: Seems like he is asking about how to override which is basic OOP knowledge. And there the OP said he didn't know about Overriding a method, meaning he should go look it up before making a mod inn an OOP language So to the OP: Read up on inheritance and overriding and you should be able to figure out how to override a method of a base class.
  12. Hi Mortiz! You should really post this inn the Forge Suggestion forum, this forum section is for seeking help with the use of the current forge API and modding minecraft inn general. Secondly if you head over to the forge github and submit a pull request to them, they will look at it and maybe implement it if it works better than the current implementation.
  13. If it's such a problem, and you know better, then fix it? Forge is after all not a closed project:P
  14. yeah, create the method onArmorTickUpdate inside it, do whatever you want to do with the item or whatever
  15. Then what would you suggest in order to fix it then... Instead of complaining, go fix the problem. Go to the github and submitt a pull request for changes that would solve what you consider to be a problem. Forge or not, changing an item ID or Block ID of blocks for an existing world will cause problems anyways
  16. what is your problem with that...
  17. Inn Forge you code just like you would for SSP when you code for the server. So if you learn to code with the Forge API, you are creating SMP compitable mods www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Basic_Modding <--- Take a look here for how to start
  18. Smelting time is defined inside the TileEntityFurnace
  19. let's the game know that your item exists maybe?
  20. that would be some kind of basic java logic which you write, which you can learn if you go study some programming basics <3 What if you had some variable that tracked the number of times it has ticked and when it has ticket x times it would do Y and reset the tracker to it's default value?
  21. Since it's an NPE it should be easy to find by using the debugger inn an IDE of your choice. Set a break point at this location: at anotherWorld.common.basicItems.ItemRedLED.addCrafting(ItemRedLED.java:32) And see what happends when the 32nd line of ItemRedLED gets executed. I'm not sure what line it is inn your add.Crafting method but I bet that one of the parameters you pass to the calls for ItemStack contains a refference to an object which == null
  22. put it like he said but make sure that you are handling the opening on client side only by checking if world.isremote) if you want some pointers, here you go:
  23. Inn the tileentity... check the furnace tile and the brewing stand. They are quite similar If you know your java basics you should have no problems figuring it out
  24. I'll check back to this thread after sleeping, but to give you the first answer on how to learn these things: http://thenewboston.org/list.php?cat=31 - Small 5 min videos, each giving you some idea of a basic part of java. <-- Free lectures from Stanford university on programming in Java(and c++ later inn cs106b which also is available for free, good place to learn programming) In other words, the best place to start would be to spend some time on learning programming In simple words a packet handler works like the post office, it reads the label of a packet and then does what it's told to do with packets of the given type. And it sends packets to destinations you specify. Thats the silly version of explaining it The use for it is to keep the server and client synchronized so that the server and client agree on the current state of the game. So when a player picks and object from the ground, the server gets a packet which tells it "Player X just picked up item Y". Then the server can do it's code to despawn the item on the ground and update it's records accordingly. If you didnt send a packet to the server, another player could potentially pick up the same item which would be a weird bug PS: "I want to know what does happen when i do this and not that." <--- Great attitude! Seek to know why and not just what to type
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