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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Mazetar

  1. a few posts below yours if you look: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,6092.0.html might be of use?
  2. try doing it this way: if (checkID != Block.grass.blockID || checkID != Block.dirt.blockID || checkID != Block.stone.blockID) // do stuff
  3. Actually wen made you find and fixed that problem, which was a huge problem which you would have had to fix in order for your mod to work! After which I myself have had stuff to do outside these forums, so I haven't had time to look at the source's again to look for more errors related to your problem(s) yet. Meanwhile other people might answer this or you probably have found the solution yourself now? if you then I encourage you to post the solution inn a new post below here and lock this topic with the String "[solved]" included inn the title.
  4. Depends on how the tool sets are different from each other? And of course how you have implemented the first one? you could use the constructor's parameters to differentiate the different sets.
  5. [lmgtfy=forge tutorial GUI]Here you go! I recommend the 2nd one on the list [/lmgtfy]
  6. did you fix the problem with the proxy as well?
  7. yes they are... instance = new mod_ElementalsMod();
  8. Each file as it's own paste, take everything
  9. if you check http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Basic_Modding you see that theres no use of static inn the proxies. remove the static modifiers from your proxy classes and proxy class methods!
  10. We told you the solution was to not use the word static, the error you are getting also was fixed futher above here or you could google the error you just pasted. Your problems now is related to the word static and you seem not to understand the basics of Java or well programming, therefore it's hard to assist you when you have been told the answer but didn't understand it. I recommend starting here, at the top and watching everything http://thenewboston.org/list.php?cat=31 that should give you a introduction to the basics. and this video deals with static: http://thenewboston.org/watch.php?cat=31&number=46
  11. vandy, did you even read his response above here? yes thats the error you see inn your IDE at the moment, but that is not your main problem. read what he said:
  12. Because after http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,5911.0.html he did get asked to learn Java so he created a new topic instead asking for a solution instead of learning something...
  13. There now your question makes sense, this helps us help you at all I'm currently at work so I can't answer but now your post contains the information needed!
  14. What about checking the tutorials for how it's supposed to be then?
  15. what on earth are you talking about? what is a armor proxy and what the * is a proxy script? If you want a forge armor tutorial, then here's one: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1452051-147-deverions-forge-modding-tutorials-updated-13-02-2013-23-tutorials/ but for armor proxy scripts, I have no clue sorry.
  16. my question was also do you know what static does what i means and why it gives the error at all? why one tutorial uses is without error and another could leave it out and not get an error?
  17. 1. please for the love of god don't paste a 10++ line code/error log into your post, it's hard to read and the post page gets funky use paste.minecraftforge.net or www.pastebin.com 2. Zedblade is totaly correct, thats where to look. 3. You sure? Did you read the first lines? java.lang.RuntimeException: Channel name is invalid The bolded text seems quite easy to read for me, ofcoruse I bolded it but it was the first line saying anything about what went wrong. So maybe it's something with your channel name? 4. Zedblade said check the modID, modname, @mod annotation and channel names. The error log said check Channel name! How didn't those help at all? You should reopen eclipse and take another look.
  18. Which means it's time to learn Java and stop wasting your time on such tutorials untill you know abit more about programming and debugging. As you have been told several times you need to dive into basics of prigramming before you go modding futher you didn't answer my questions about static?
  19. It's not a simple script, it's code. If static word is the only difference why dotou have it there? Do youknow what static means? The problem is not only a simple word or two, the problem is with the programming basics therefore helping you with this problem whon't solve the next one you meet. Learning java will!
  20. NO! NO! But we can give you help inn how to learn to do what you want to accomplish. First learn some basic programming, this will help you understand things a lot better and make YOUR life easier! second if you search around you can find others which have done the same. I see this thread: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,3162.0.html has EVERYTHING you need in order to do it yourself, but since you replied as you did inn your post there I guess you don't meet the pre-req for such modding yet. Please learn to walk before you run
  21. I guess you could pass on a different textureID into the rendering line? You know you bind two different textures, and pass inn the one you want based on some if/else statement? I don't know if it will work because I'm not sure how it is reading the rendering code, but if it looks at it every time then I assume it should work.
  22. What do you see when you debugg the code? how does the value of zChange vary between calls? and between different entities calls to doAnimation?
  23. Thank you for getting back to answer your own post when you solved the problem! This will help out others whom are searching for answers! If you could be so kind to add [solved] to your title, it would be great! Thanks
  24. Then you are not doing it correctly But we can't tell you anything unless you show us the code, so jump over to paste.minecraftforge.net and paste the code for us Also, be sure to already have checked that the code is being run when debugging!
  25. [lmgtfy=Learn Java]Here's what you need to do![/lmgtfy]! instantiating objects from a class is the whole deal with OOP
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