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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Mazetar

  1. Block block = world.getBlockAt(x, y, z); // not sure what the real method name is, it's something like getBlock something...
  2. Now you ARE using @Mod Which you did not do above when you instead extended basemod. A good tutorial for the @mod and basic modding would be the two I linked above along with: http://wuppy29.blogspot.nl/2012/10/forge-modding-142.html Wuppy has some great tutorials there, many which are inn video form in addition to text form The error you are having is not from Forge inn this case, it's because you don't know Java very well. I recommend that you watch(and do) these tutorials: http://thenewboston.org/list.php?cat=31 At least up to where he starts with Jframe and stuff, yes there are many of them but they are only 5-6 mins long! They will make you better at modding minecraft and better at programming because you will learn the basics of the language you are using! And to solve your problem: The problem are with these lines of code. This video explains EVERYTHING about the error you are having and should resolve your problem inn the few minutes you are using to watch it: http://thenewboston.org/watch.php?cat=31&number=38 Trust me, it saves you time in the long run!
  3. Scratch that! You are extending basemod which means you are creating a ModLoader mod using forge. You should use the @mod annotation and never use extends basemod. The only reason it works is for forge to be compitable with ModLoader mods! Before you do ANYTHING else, go read up on this: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Basic_Modding That should get you on the right track! Have fun coding! PS: This might be even better, a mod tutorial you can read which creates a simple forge mod from start http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Tutorials/Making_the_base_mod_file
  4. You havent decleared a block like that inn your mod class as far as I can see? public static final Block tileBlock= new BlockTileBlock(/* WHATEVER your constructor needs here /*); Check out this tutorial, it should solve the problems you are having: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Basic_Blocks Also you might want to read the: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Basic_Modding just in case
  5. As far as I can tell by looking into the BlockWood and the Metadata generic mod tutorial there's no way to get the name of the sub block from the ID and metadata. I haven't tried for myself but looking at the Tutorial code and the BlockWood it seems you have to do something to check the bID and then check the metadata i.e: if (bID == BlockWood.BlockID){ switch(metadata) case 0: return "Oak Wood"; case 1: return "Spurce wood";
  6. Okay, it seems to me from your file that you have added quite a few things to your mod and I assume you have read some tutorials, but I do recommend that you read this one: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Basic_Modding Especially the part about the proxies. This one deals with adding custom icons and textures to your blocks and items. Here you will see how he uses ClientProxy to do all the Client side stuff, since ClientProxy is ONLY used by the client side. http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Icons_and_Textures Read those two and you should be fine! And after reading, understanding and eventually fixing the errors created by this problem: If you still have errors of any kind, please come back with the error log anytime ^^
  7. Well you didn't do anything? The client and common proxy does Nothing?
  8. 1. Use pastebin for error logs as long as that 2. Could you www.pastebin.com the commonproxy.java and clientproxy.java And give us the links? Aswell as to your main mod file?
  9. The EE3 source is open to everyone, so you could check how they do it inn EE by going to their github
  10. You are comparing an stack of items to the number itemID. If you want it to work do itemstack.itemID
  11. If it's something you would like to play with and it's something that you are learning from then even if it's not popular. It's worth it! You learn a lot and you have fun while doing so
  12. Reika, for whatever it's worth. I admire your commitment and drive for your project. Hope it works out good and I can't wait to see what kind of stuff you will end up creating on your coding journey
  13. Depends, if you are really familiar with Java or C# it's not that hard, then all ya need to do is to understand how it works and recreate it with MCP 1.4.X and the Forge API's methods. Which should only be a matter of reading up on the API. If on the other hand you don't know Java or for some other reason have no idea HOW and WHY the 1.2.5 code of the mod works... It can get really hard. The 1.2.5 code is totally different from the 1.3.X+ code for Minecraft and therefore you can't copy the old code over and change some variables. What you will need to do, is to recreate the mod inn the newest version of MCP w/forge from scratch. Atleast I think that will be alot easier than to copy paste everything into forge and try to fix the errors you will be getting
  14. I'm working a lot of overtime this week so I doubt I can do it tonight but if you havent solved the pickup issue or someone else has found an good answer for ya, I will try to make a mob pickup items to test how it works. Have you tried extending the zombie class? then you're mob should be able to do all that a zombie does including picking up items. Movespeed and all such variables is possible to change for your mob, so it could work... PS: About the rotation, go into techne and adjust rotation on the 3 sliders below the texture offset. There you should be able to see the effect of adjusting the X, Y and Z angle's.
  15. Why would you compare the EntityName with your item? That doesn't make sense at all, when you see this you should see which method's are being called inn the return statement and know which one to use. The getItemName says it gives you the NAME while the getEntityItem says it's getting an ITEM. If you open the getEntityItem method, what does it do? it returns an ItemStack! Futher: I assume you mean you are learning Java by modding Minecraft and following tutorials on minecraft modding? This is ONE way to do it, but you aren't learning Java, you are just learning some stuff about the Minecraft API without having any clue as to why and how it's done, thereby your problem here. Save yourself a lot of trouble and watch/read some stuff on Java, start with some basic java projects. I recommend creating a simple game such as Snake or Tetris in Java, once you do that you know the basics ya need for most minecraft modding I do recommend that at the very least you take your time to go trough the first parts of this Java series: http://thenewboston.org/list.php?cat=31 There's a lot of them, but I do recommend understanding all of them up to he's starting with Jfram and stuff(even tough those are good for understanding GUI's, they are different from GL11 which Minecraft uses tough). As I have told people before, countless times: If you learn Java first, then forge API, everything will be shit easy! Going the other way makes you fight like hell for every inch of progress without being able to get anywhere on your own. I don't want to be mean or upfront rude towards you(or any other aspiring programmer/modder) but if you want to create mods, it's stupid to do so without studying some Java first. It may be hard and most likely boring if you aren't into coding yet but starting off by creating any kind of mod without knowing the basics leads to countless of bugs and hours of frustration over simple problems. Above many people have tried to help you, all of them with the intention to be helpful towards you. I hope you realize that when they and I say, go learn Java basics, we do mean it as the single biggest advice to you! In anycase your problem should now have been answered by me and others in such a way that you should be okay If there are problems still, of course by all means do keep asking questions, but please for your own good: Learn java basics!
  16. Well my version of forge&mcp is 2 weeks old or so I believe, it might have been renamed since then... But even so opening the EntityItem.java inn eclipse shows only ONE method returning an ItemStack, the one I mentioned so it can't be that hard to find. If you want a quick answer now, then show me the 4-5 lines that make the getName method of your EntityItem.java file, as mentioned before that method uses the itemStack given from a method to give the item name. It can't be removed from your file..
  17. Well that shouldnt be to hard.if you can get one vehicle to move and behave as you want it to, making some other vehicle move together with it shouldnt be too hard. Try breaking the problem down logically, what do you need to do in order to achive this, Not as code but just as logical reasoning? If you break down the problem into it's logic, then try to solve and eventually solve the problem with logic. Creating code to preform that logic be comes very simple
  18. Well the point above was not to just be a douch, but to be sure that you do try to solve it by learning the code and studying what is happening Also the point is to get you to tell us what you have tried and thought of before asking, which helps the people helping you, not only to understand what solution you need but also what you are thinking and have tried. Another problem is that the people responding to these threads are mostly people who are learning modding with the forge api themselfs(like me) and they inn turn don't know every corner of the API themselfs. Even people with experience inn modding minecraft will have problems answering questions about areas of the API they never have had reason to use or look at Therefor describing the steps you have taken, does not only show that you are interested inn doing things yourself, but also helps others find the correct solution to give you, faster In any case, let me know if func_92014_d() worked as we think it should, and if it not well then we have to find a different way
  19. *sighs* When you got the last answer did you open up the EntityItemPickupEvent.java file and check how it works? did you try event.item? That will give you the EntityItem which was on the ground and is now being picked up by the player(event.player). Futher looking into the EntityItem.java file, trying to find a clue as to how to return the ItemStack it represents, I have NEVER seen this file before, so it took me a few minutes of reading the whole file before I found a method that MAYBE returns the correct ItemStack. If you read the file you should find it, and be able to test if it works. Now without looking at the spolier, you should be able to find the method which gives you what you need in order for this to work. If not, look at the spoiler(s) and see if it works, mind you that this is a proposed solution after just reading the files and not having done this myself I can't be 100% sure that it works. Also if you needed the instructions inn the spoilers, you might want to check out these: http://thenewboston.org/list.php?cat=31 <--- They will be invaluable to you, for learning to mod minecraft and program in any OOP language!
  20. No not the model file, the entity file, the place where you call initCreature, the file which contains the class which extends the entity? Where you have your special methods setup and all that?
  21. Oh I see, I'm terribly sorry, my mistake! If you try and extract minecraftforge-src-1.4.7- anywhere you want to and then just run the install file, what happens? Normal forge will fix everything for you, including downloading relevant files such as MCP and the client, so what happens when you try to just run the install file? Does it download the mcp files etc.?
  22. I can't see the difference between the two wall of texts, so I tried using pastebin and viewing the difference: http://pastebin.com/diff.php?i=tWFZMRwu - but still can't see what you changed?
  23. Could you post you entity's java file into www.pastebin.com with java as syntax highlightning? This will make it a lot easier to see what's going on
  24. Hi! The source, as inn your own code is not correct. The error you are receiving says: "deprecation" which means the method(s) you are trying to use have been marked as deprecated, meaning they are removed and won't work. This is meant to be an warning to let you know that you are using outdated methods and need to change them into whatever the new way of doing things is.
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