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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You go into your account settings. You'll have to loop through the loadedEntityList and look for it yourself. Since there is no method available already.
  2. I didn't mean it like that, its meant more as a learning apparatus to understand how one might be able to do something, although forge adds some changes. IE Block#hasTileEntity/Block#createTileEntity with ITileEntityProvider/BlockContainer.
  3. First things first, this is not the proper forum for this type of post. This forum is for posting problems with code, models, etc. 1.7.10 is so old, it is 6 versions behind Minecraft itself and 5 versions behind the currently supported forge version. You should update to at least 1.10.2 and obviously at best 1.12.2 It is for these two reasons that this thread will be locked by a forum moderator/admin later.
  4. Just a note you should probably put the responsibility of each role, and what do you mean by plugin, are you talking forge mod, like a bukkit plugin, or both?
  5. It says what to use in the java doc above the method, if you look in GameRegistry it will tell you what to use instead.
  6. @diesieben07Could you lock this thread based on the fact that adiber isn't even using forge.
  7. And once you have read it and possibly have questions come back and ask and I will answer.
  8. This is a link to my ModelRegistryEvent for a WIP mod if you trace it back you will see how it all comes together. I feel it might be easier than explaining it all to you with a back and forth.
  9. Who told you to do anything with those methods?
  10. First off this is a horrible modid Secondly is the folder path assets/bf/recipes? Edit: also is there any error in the log?
  11. Does observedNeighborChange get called?
  12. You're passing a null item into setCustomModelResourceLocation.
  13. Patient: Ouch doctor it hurts Doctor: Where does it hurt. Patient: Right there Doctor: Where is there?
  14. Where are you calling ModelLoader.setCustom...
  15. Could it possibly be the fact that the method swapBlock is called twice
  16. This isn't true forge will automatically append your mods modid as long as it is your mod that it is constructing, aka dont use static initializers.
  17. In your case 0, but some items have a magical number that allows you to differentiate between different states, or in some cases a "new item". Also dont disregard the advice of the other people especially DaemonUmbra. They know what they are talking about a lot of the time.
  18. If you use ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, meta, new ModelResourceLocation(getRegistryName(),...) then it will look for a file at assets/modid/models/item/registryname.json
  19. Do you have the import?
  20. Define breaking. Post updated code, preferably the whole class.
  21. Simply put you need an item instance so new Item(...). Then you need to subscribe to the RegistryEvent.Register<Item> and register your item. Then subscribe to ModelRegistryEvent and call ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(yourItemInstance, the metadata, and then the model location). The model location is a ModelResourceLocation. Typically it is instantiated by passing in your items registry name and then a string called inventory.
  22. You are also not declaring your variants correctly in the blockstate json. Take a look at what Draco said earlier.
  23. No use the name of this blockstate file.
  24. Instead of backsplash_base and backsplash_bricks put the name of your blockstate file.
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