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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Remove all of the mods you got from 9minecraft.
  2. This is the error, and based on there names both are Coremods.
  3. Creative Core and Micdoodle Core are conflicting, also we don't support coremods.
  4. I can't find anything that would cause this error at first glance. What mods did you add, and where did you download them, including forge.
  5. There should be a folder called logs in the game directory, get the latest log.
  6. Is this the whole crash log? It would be better if you posted the whole crash from the console.
  7. You don't have to add a constructor to your Item class you could simply do new Item().setRegistryName().setCreativeTab().setUnlocalizedName()...
  8. There are many. I know TInkers Construct adds their own.
  9. Yes I know what your problem is I even said it earlier. " And I wonder what to do if there is no parameter and you are calling one with a parameter in it. "
  10. Does it just say quote with an arrow next to it? Click the arrow. Or you are using a very old browser, but it says "This is the support section for those modding with Forge. Help with modding goes in here, however, please keep in mind that this is not a Java school. You are expected to have basic knowledge of Java before posting here."
  11. You didn't answer the first question. And I wonder what to do if there is no parameter and you are calling one with a parameter in it.
  12. A furnace works ultimately very simply, especially with IItemHandler. A furnace simply needs to know if it can cook the item in question(is it part of a recipe/does it have fuel/does it have room for the result). This can be done very easily. You need a method that burns fuel if it can and needs to while also checking if it has fuel. You need a method that checks if the item in the input slot is part of a recipe. You need a method that checks if there is room in the output slot(s) (this can be done using IItemHandler.insertItem(slot, item, true) if it returns an empty ItemStack then there is room for the output). Next you just need to implement ITickable and in the update method check all of the above and once enough time has passed complete the burning by calling IItemHandler.insertItem and IItemHandler.extractItem.
  13. Do you know Java? If not If you do then do you have a class called ItemBase? And if you do does it have a constructor that has a String parameter in it?
  14. They should also be using a capability. The only possible way to ensure that the capability stays in sync on an nbt change would be to constantly verify with the server and then send an update packet back to the client. Though as I said they should also be using a capability for ItemStack data.
  15. This could cause problems based on how you are doing it, hopefully you are still basing actions off of the servers data. Define updating the NBT.
  16. Try returning true in isAmbientOcculsion
  17. It depends on what you mean by re-creates and how you are editing it. ItemStack capabilities are not synced. How are you updating your capability data?
  18. Does your entity move as a normal entity or is it more like a Shulker? If the later take a look at EntityShulker, if the former still take a look at EnttiyShulker.
  19. I would use player.addItemStackToInventory It depends on what you mean by better ItemHandlerHelper.giveItemToPlayer will drop the item as an entity which is useful in most cases, but it also wraps the PlayerInventory in an IItemHandler and handles the input that way.
  20. Is just a wrapper around So either works, one is just less writing.
  21. You're doing it for your block, not others mods.
  22. After looking at your silkspawners mod on github it turns out you have your own mob spawner block that can modify what you want on the client in the onItemUse method.
  23. Then submit the event to forge on github. You could just send a packet updating the client.
  24. Why do you need a client side block place event?
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