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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Then why are you referencing other blockstate jsons?
  2. This is not a forum to help out with non-forge projects seeing as how this is The Minecraft Forge Modding Support Fourm.
  3. Then dont just say you're new to programming in general, it isn't clear what you mean. For items override Item#addInformation(). For blocks override Block#addInformation().
  4. You're still not saving a reference to the entity, your creating a new entity every time.
  5. Then test values to understand it. Or look through the code and find out what that parameter does.
  6. In the fishing rod item is there a delay of some sort for casting, because onItemRightClick may be to fast normally for this.
  7. No, problem and thank you for cleaning it up. The problem seems to be that the custom json object in your blockstate json refers to other blockstate files and then a variant in those files. Do you have a backsplash_bricks blockstate json that has a trans variable. And a backsplash_base blockstate json that has a base variant?
  8. What you have should be throwing an error about attempting to register a null entry. You need to create a new ItemBlock instead of getting an item from a block.
  9. 1.8.9 and lower is ancient please consider updating to a newer version, there is already development on forge 1.13. Item/Block#addInformation
  10. Put a breakpoint in your entities update method after it dies and comes back, does it exist on the server?
  11. You're not toggling your boolean correctly look at your if statements.
  12. This is true you are going to need a TE to store the data, but since it will be storing an unlimited amount of casts as a RegistryEntry you will need this.
  13. If there is more than one error in the log, could you please remove all the other error causing items/blocks besides the one you want us to debug. It honestly makes the log hell to go through. But I believe what you need to do is in your blockstate the model paths need block/ in front of them.
  14. Use the ItemStacks NBT there are many ItemStacks.
  15. Do you override write/read to nbt in your TE? If so make sure you call super or the TE will have problems loading. If this is not the case, try stepping through it in your IDEs debugger and find out what is happening.
  16. It would probably be better to save this to the World instead of to the Player. And just map it to the players uuid.
  17. You need to store the entity in the ItemStack, and when the player switches hands or is right clicked while active you need to remove the entity and then delete the reference in the ItemStack. The reference should be the uuid.
  18. @DeadPix Though I would only do this if, this value doesn't control anything important as it could be edited by the player.
  19. I would just store it in a static variable in your ClientProxy or an @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) class.
  20. Sounds like you need to read about sides.
  21. Are these values gonna be accessed on the server or is this a client only feature?
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