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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Write a method that starts one block below the bedrock and checks blocks going down. On the other hand, what you could do is iterate through the BiomeDictionary with the type NETHER as the category. Then replace the BiomeDecorator with a wrapper over the current one and add your flower generation there similarly if not exactly how you do so for a biome normally.
  2. I meant where are r, g, and b being set in code. Also where is this code being ran.
  3. Try world.rayTraceBlocks(vec1, vec2, true, false, true)
  4. Where are you setting the color based on payer input?
  5. The answer is no, because you add them with this JourneyItems.itemNames.add(name); And then you call setRegistryName(SlayerAPI.MOD_ID, name); So "name" doesn't have your modid.
  6. This is not true it will work with either en_us or en_US as of 1.12.2, this may change in the future. All other resources, however, need to be in all lowercase. Also please look this over as it provides a nice working ground for the does and don'ts.
  7. Do these have your modid and then a colon at the start of them? JourneyItems.itemNames JourneyBlocks.blockName
  8. MCreator is not a model maker, it is a mod maker that just pieces code together.
  9. My bad, it was like that in 1.10, so I had assumed it carried over.?
  10. First off, Code Style Issue number 1 And all objects that have a RegistryEvent need to be initialized in the registry event as it is called prior to preInit. Model binding also has an event ModelRegistryEvent.
  11. Create a List that stores what has changes(Block, TileEntity, BlockPos, etc). And make sure that it stays in order of what happened, cutting it off at some point. And then just revert back in the list.
  12. Besides using MCCreator and not knowing java, no.
  13. This is just a syntax error in Java look at the top of your file.
  14. That was gonna be my second suggestion, it is like that, at least from my brain, is because Items don't have a facing.
  15. Ok let me ask another question, why are you trying to do this?
  16. If you have more problems we can't help unless you share them and post your code.
  17. Is PartData.toStack returning a proper ItemStack aka not null or EMPTY? Does TaoItems.weap.getParts(weap).values() return a filled array of PartData? Check using your IDE's debugger.
  18. Honestly, this is not a problem. If I received a headache from this I would have just gone to sleep, taken some medicine, or just took a break in general. The recursion was caused by RenderPlayer.doRender calling the RenderPlayerEvent.Pre if (net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderPlayerEvent.Pre(entity, this, partialTicks, x, y, z))) return; To fix this just simply override RenderPlayer#doRender and use the same code but exclude that line of code. Mind you this will just render your model with the default vanilla way so you may have to override the whole doRender method.
  19. Extend RenderPlayer and then in the constructor set the mainModel variable to whatever your model is, and if this doesn't work for you then tell me exactly what you are trying to accomplish by setting the rotation angles and overriding the main model.
  20. event.getEntityPlayer().limbSwing; Will give you the actual players limbSwing, also why not make your renderer use EntityPlayer, what is the point of using a new Entity?
  21. You are creating a new instance of EntityRealPlayer every time the player is rendering and then using the variables from that instance, instead of the player that is already in the world.
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