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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Instead of "layer0" use "all"
  2. Do you not have a model for your ItemBlock?
  3. Post your json files.
  4. Don't use Reference use ModBlocks. Your reference contains a enum, not a Block which is what is causing this error. I suggest you learn Java before you try to make a mod, seeing as how Java can be quite complicated if you have never programmed before.
  5. Does ModBlocks contain a variable?
  6. I don't see a texture for them in your first post, that is why it is purple and black. Edit: Never mind your package explorer is different from mine I see it.
  7. That is just a enum not a Block.
  8. If you made the variable in there then yes.
  9. Where is your blockclear_glass? Is it in the same class? Or in a different one, if so you need to reference the class that it is in. And did you import ModelResourceLocation?
  10. Never mind you changed it already. The only thing you need to change is importing all of the required classes and changing 'block' to an actual Block.
  11. Look back at what you had and then look at what you have now.
  12. It is used basically the same way that the model mesher is.
  13. Draco said use ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(), Which takes in an Item, int, and a ModelResourceLocation as parameters. Which are the Item you want the ModelResourceLocation bound to the metadata of the Item and the ModelResourceLocation to be bound.
  14. How did you compile it?
  15. Call ModBloks.registerRenders in your preInit at least. You could also use the ModelRegistryEvent and RegistryEvent.
  16. Your ClientProxy. And where do you register your block.
  17. Where does that get called from?
  18. Did you register the Handler twice, are you checking the Side and the Phase? Post your code.
  19. tile:copper_ore != tile.copper_ore
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