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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. No Entity besides the Player and the Wither naturally regen as far as I know, so try those.
  2. Override the update/updateEntity method and give it some health back every so often.
  3. ToolMaterial for Tools and ArmorMaterial for armor
  4. It is added on line 29 of RecipesTools.class, which is added on line 42 of the CraftingManager.class.
  5. For simple Blocks and Items you just need to call ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item, meta(typically 0, unless you are making a metadata item), ModelResourceLocation). You can get the ModelResourceLocation by creating a new instance and passing in your items registry name and the second parameter as "inventory"
  6. Ok, that is fine then you should know what a NullPointerException is. Look at the crash report where the error is printed it will be towards the bottom. It will point you towards the line that is making the error.
  7. What is your experience level with Java?
  8. I'm not sure I have not moved on to 1.12 yet, it could be and if so... You can read up on Capabilities here.
  9. If you do not know much Java then I suggest you learn before continuing, and if you do this could be really easy. You have to save the contents of your List to the Drive of your computer. Whether this is in a text file or an NBT file. You will want to use the WorldSavedData along with some events to read and write the data.
  10. Then do you have permission to use their code?
  11. Did you change any code in your Gui at all?
  12. What is line 73 of your Gui now?
  13. The null variable is "sneakysal". Gui#initGui is called in the Gui classes constructor which gets called before your constructor and therefore it is not initialized. To fix this you can add a != null check and call Gui#initGui in your Guis constructor.
  14. What is line 72?
  15. Something is null on line 72 of your Gui.
  16. Use a Entity Capability see here EntityOcelot.isTamed() Just cancel the event. Subscribe to the RenderLivingEvent(s) cancel the Pre event and Render your new Model in the Post event. At least I believe that is the way to do it.
  17. You will need to make a custom IRecipe implementation. You should look at the ItemArmor for how the LeatherArmor texture works.
  18. Sadly you cannot place a TileEntity on a vanilla block that doesn't already have a TileEntity. But you can store a Map of BlockPos as the Key and a List of BlockPos as the value and cross reference the lists contained in the Map in the PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickBlock. And if it is in a List perform the action you want for the TileEntity at the key BlockPos.
  19. Don't use the ItemModelMesher instead use ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation, and call in in preInit or the ModelRegistryEvent.
  20. Then the problem could still be the Item Model for metadata 1. Also we can't help without any code or the models, if we tried it would be a bunch of shots in the dark.
  21. Do you have an Item model for it?
  22. Yes they will be craftable as long as they are not bigger than a 3x3.
  23. Any accessing of a Block or TileEntity will require a world to load the chunk.
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