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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. When you set the BlockState you will use IBlockAccess#setBlockState(BlockPos, IBlockState). To get the IBlockState you will do Block#getDefaultState() which you will set to something in your constructor, but if you want to use a different value than the default you do Block#getDefaultState().withProperty(IProperty, value). The IProperty must be the same instance you used for setting the Default and the BlockStateContainer, if you do not change the value with a IBlockState.withProperty then it will stay at it's default value. It will decrease if you manually change it in the state, and not change the state though this will only happen on the side you change it on so it is better to do it in the way described above also know as changing the state. I recommend a Forge BlockState JSON for this; read about it here.
  2. Specifically the hasCapability getCapability the IItemModifiable field, and you will want the readFrom/writeToNBT methods.
  3. Then what is this? TileEntityBasic
  4. Please go back and look at your earlier post.
  5. Post the eclipse version of the log and not the gradle version please.
  6. Not a block. Treat your Entity like you would a TileEntity for this.
  7. What you need to do is the same thing you would for a TileEntity. Create a IItemHandlerModifiable field in your Entity and override hasCapability and getCapability in your Entities class. Read the docs specifically the Using an Existing Capability section.
  8. Open them in a text editor or download and install a plugin for JSON files from the eclipse marketplace. I recommend the second option cause it gives syntax errors.
  9. Guis are on the client so if the data doesn't update on the client and you use the data in an if statement then yes.
  10. Packets, or Container#detectAndSendChanges
  11. EntitiyLiving, EntitiesLivingBase, or other things that extend EntityLivingBase that would be appropriate.
  12. Do not extend EntityMob.
  13. It is a registryName for Entities.
  14. Are you in Peaceful mode?
  15. You can't have a null ResourceLocation here https://github.com/SparkyTheFox/Sparkys-Mod-1.11.2-1.3.0-Alpha-SourceCode/blob/master/common/mod/sparkyfox/servermod/init/ModEntities.java#L17
  16. Do you have a renderer for it? I do not see one.
  17. Are you crashing? If so post the most recent crash.
  18. When does it disappear?
  19. Does your ClientProxy extend CommonProxy?
  20. You make custom JSON files that act as models. Look at the vanilla Cauldron.json it would be the most similar to your case.
  21. Do you ever sync the money after changing it?
  22. You are going to want to use the ClientTickEvent and in there check if your key is down to apply movement every tick. KeyInputEvent should only be called every so often.
  23. I would suggest looking at the code for writing a NBTTagCompound to a ByteBuf and find the limitation or you could just send multiple packets for each inventory.
  24. Use the eclipse market place and search JSON.
  25. You should get a plugin for your IDE that tells you about these errors.
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