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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Obviously what you are trying to register...aka your items.
  2. This is not the proper way to register them. You must do event.getRegistry().register...
  3. Nothing, @Mod.EventBusSubscriber is just the whole name. EventBusSubscriber is within the Mod annotation class. Also you need to register your Items and Blocks in the RegistryEvent.
  4. You missed the @EventBusSubscriber annotation at the top of your Event Handler class. AKA @EventBusSubscriber public class EventHandler...
  5. Though back to my initial question, why do you want them to be separate in the registry? You can just make it a normal one and change the appearance in the JSON file for the Item.
  6. No as long as you are doing it to your own TileEntity. You are gonna have to do this anyways if the display changes based on the item. I am assuming that the Integer is an Item/Block ID. I do not suggest that you use the numerical ID do load it take a look at ItemStack#writeToNBT and ItemStack#readFromNBT. It isn't that it was "meant primarily to be used on LivingEntities and Players", but that it seems that it is more useful to save stuff to players and Entities than it is to TileEntities and ItemStacks.
  7. Could you show me where you register it?
  8. Do you ever register the BlockDiamondReed that you pass into the ItemDiamondReed constructor?
  9. This would be why it doesn't work. you don't pass it your registered block.
  10. Why are they separate registries? Do you already have a Item that places it down? If not you could make them the same.
  11. It should be used when attaching data to Entities, TileEntities, ItemStacks, and the World if you so wish (WorldSavedData is still in use). This includes saving Items to TileEntities Forge provides a Capability: CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY. Yes they can be applied in two ways. If the TileEntity is yours apply it through the getCapability and hasCapability methods in your TileEntities class. If it is not yours then you must subscribe to the AttachCapabilityEvent and attach it to the TileEntity. What you read is the official documentation, I know Choonster has some Capability examples on his github.
  12. You have to call ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation in the ModelRegistryEvent now.
  13. Larsgerrits is right you didn't spell it right when calling Loader.isModLoaded draconicevoulution =/= draconicevolution
  14. Where do you call this method? Edit: This method should only be called to update the variables when they have been changed on the server. Do you call EntityThrowable#setHeadingFromThrower or EntityThrowable#setThrowableHeading?
  15. In the code you provided you never actually set the velocity in anyway. Do you ever set the velocity?
  16. Where are you trying to do this in a Command? If so yes and you can take a look at how they do that by viewing their classes.
  17. And the game is frozen right? AKA you pressed f5
  18. Did you run the game in debug mode?
  19. Good. Now what you can do is click on the buttons on the top left of eclipse "step into", "step over", and "step return" which come after the "resume", "suspend", and "terminate" buttons. And in doing so you can see how your code is executing.
  20. As you have realized that is not what it means. When you set a breakpoint you essentially says pause here and let me take a look. The one I posted or the normal one?
  21. Something is wrong with your Proxy setup. Post your main mod class and make sure that your proxies have zero argument constructors.
  22. It shouldn't crash the game, it will basically pause it and eclipse should prompt you. Say yes and you should get a debug ui that you can view things with. That looks something like this, though the color shouldn't change.
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