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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. What is ItemBlocks? NVM that was a stupid question because it doesn't have anything to do with the block in the world. Could you show how you registered the Block itself including it's registry name.
  2. Did you refresh your workspace after you added the texture?
  3. It should be a new Thread as it is a completely different subject than what the title suggests.
  4. I already told you what it was, it is an id used in code by forge (maybe vanilla not sure about that) as an ID for your entity, just like Items and Blocks.
  5. Just create a method yourself that takes in a x and z and iterate from y = 0 to the height you want.
  6. Also look at these lines of the crash: at com.clowcadia.mob.EntityClowcadia.createEntity(EntityClowcadia.java:56) at com.clowcadia.mob.EntityClowcadia.registerEntity(EntityClowcadia.java:49) at com.clowcadia.mob.EntityClowcadia.mainRegistry(EntityClowcadia.java:44) at com.clowcadia.mob.EntityClowcadia.PreLoad(EntityClowcadia.java:27) Somethings wrong... Why did you quote that?
  7. Remove registerEgg you are already registering one with registerModEntity.
  8. mainRegistry() does nothing...
  9. You should use a InventoryCrafting look in ContainerWorkbench.
  10. Extend Block and override Block#onBlockActivated
  11. Your code never gets called because you never use the FMLPre/PostInitializationEvent or the FMLInitializationEvent. Or any other mod life cycle event.
  12. No it does not need a TileEntity. You only need a TileEntity if you want to save the slots. You return a Container in getServerGuiElement and a Gui in getClientGuiElement. The container is the Server sided object of a Gui and the Gui is the Client sided one GuiScreen extends Gui. You add slots to it. When you add the Slots to the Container it will have it's position automatically made relative to the Gui and it will be measured in pixels. You use the Gui methods drawTexturedModelRect... to draw images on to the screen. You should draw that using Minecraft#fontRenderer or this.fontRenderer in your Gui in the method drawGuiContainerForeground, and you should be using GuiContainer as your super class for your Gui. Use EntityPlayer#openGui in Block#onBlockActivated This would take way to long for me to explain, but I suggest looking in the vanilla Crafting Table Container. Capabilities are basically does this Object have an Inventory or IItemHandler Capability? If so give it to me and let me access it from a particular direction. As stated above GuiContainer or the Crafting Tables Gui if you can salvage some of it's methods and Container or the Crafting Tables Container once again if you can salvage anything from it.
  13. Diesieben already found the problem.
  14. If you are using the new ResourceLocation in the EntityRegistry.registerModEntity then you don't even need that method.
  15. I see, what does it say when you hover over it? You can basically ignore that it is saying that the class might not extend Entity.
  16. You missed the new in the code I presented.
  17. That is the first parameter in registerModEntity.
  18. new ResourceLocation(modid, identifier/className/entityName); You can get the modid from your @Mod class, the next parameter can be whatever you want, but it must be specific to the entity.
  19. Basically the ResourceLocation is an ID think of it as a registryName just like Items and Blocks.
  20. Could you show the code for the IBakedModel, and when do these performance issues happen?
  21. You would just do all of the functionality in the Entities AI. I would like to clarify something, when I said you will need a FakePlayer I meant for if you want to break a block and have it's affects like that of a EntityPlayer doing it.
  22. Specifically from your mod(1)? Or a specific Item from your mod(2)? I would take the registry name and get the domain (modid) and compare it to my modid. Then yes that would be the best way to check.
  23. What you need to do is determine how to check if the structure is complete. I would use the TE to do this and there are multiple ways to do this, but since you are using vanilla blocks that does limit it a little. You will need to implement ITIckable (not the client/sound one) on your TileEntity which will give you a method called update. Use this to check the positions that the structure should exist at.
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