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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Look in RenderEntityItem start at line 112
  2. It might be this RenderHelper.enableStandardItemLighting();
  3. I meant in game do they have different names.
  4. Do they all have different names? And is that log up to date?
  5. Overriding Minecrafts health system would be rather interesting and you would probably run into some hard, but fun bugs. I would start by creating the capability that stores the new health value. Then I would use the LivingHurtEvent and LivingHealEvent to calculate damage and healing and I would change the health of the entities vanilla only if a config setting is on, because you can end up with some rounding errors for the health conversion, and then I would only actually update it client side.
  6. First thing is first. Your model shouldn't be bigger than 1 block. You didnt post where the textures are actually assigned (hint in your model file).
  7. Yes it would return a bigger value than 15, but the tutorial is not wrong. You used the wrong bit shift "<<" instead of ">>"
  8. Meta cannot be greater than 15.
  9. TileEntities need a zero argument constructor.
  10. To be fair, you knew exactly what segment of code to look for.
  11. In the update method it calls BlockFurnace#setState(...) which is where you should look to find how it determines if it is on or off (it can be done better). And for textures look in the models.
  12. It works! http://pasteboard.co/pjo5Uijok.png Thanks. No problem IDEs can be a pain sometimes, and good luck and have fun.
  13. Right click on the project, build path, configure build path, source, add folder
  14. It doesn't look like you have a source folder. You need to set src/main/java as a source folder.
  15. Post an image of your project directory.
  16. Yes, it is. Thanks! Could you answer one more question please? As far as I understand, what should happen now is that errors in the src should show up. This is not happening for some reason, although the mod being updated is coded for 1.7.3., and I am using the latest version of forge. Refresh the project.
  17. Or extend ItemStackHandler, or create an anonymous class of ItemStackHandler that overrides getStackLimit.
  18. That is the right method to override to change the stack limit.
  19. When defining textures in your model or blockstate define a "particle" texture.
  20. Minecraft started it's IDs for armor at zero = to boots, and so on upwards. I know a little strange right.
  21. Probably a NullPointerException use your debugger to figure it out, or use printlns to identify it.
  22. Yes the vanilla scoreboard command is restricted to level 2 ops. No this will not change whether or not the player can execute it. Well you can actually just code your own screen overlay and add a capability to the player to store the money. Scoreboards don't reset or loose values on there own. Overall why are you using the Scoreboard when you have the ability to create anything and add it to Minecraft?
  23. Look at this return this.name(); What is this.name()?
  24. Make yours extend EntityTameable and if it is not supposed to function that way you will need to subscribe to LivingDeathEvent and spawn the exp points yourself.
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