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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You need a custom IRecipe implementation and add the recipe with GameRegistry.addRecipe(new IRecipeImp(...))
  2. You would need to create a FakePlayer for things that require a EntityPlayer, and for Chests and other inventories you would have to access those via the TE in the world.
  3. This is your registerBlock Method private static void registerBlock(Block block) { GameRegistry.register(block); ItemBlock item = new ItemBlock(block); item.setRegistryName(block.getRegistryName()); GameRegistry.register(item); } Which also registers an ItemBlock for the block you have a custom one so you cannot do that.
  4. No that is not wrong, could you post where you do the rest of your ItemBlocks.
  5. I believe Choonster is saying this for inter-mod compatibility. Say what would happen if a mod did call them "out of order". Your I recipe will think that there is a staff at the last index specified by the matches method (or 0 because that is the default value).
  6. I believe you are registering a normal ItemBlock stil in your ModBlocks class or where ever you register your Blocks and there ItemBlocks.
  7. Well it is called setField so I thought it would do energyStored = value. I forgot to clarify this, but is the energy going up server side?
  8. Why are you separating EnumFacing.UP and EnumFacing.DOWN from the horizontals? And in your PurifierMessageHandler handles powerRecieved as the power and not the change in power.
  9. Could you post a image of the baked model in the world?
  10. Wrong part of the forum, could you tell me how you are launching it and shoe s screenshot of your mods and server directory folder.
  11. You need to use the other constructor of ItemAxe.
  12. Please post your code in text and not images using the code sign in the posting area.
  13. In your generate method you call receiveEnergy and the second parameter is true when it should be false.
  14. Blocks.COBBLESTONE.getBlockHardness() should be what you are looking for and .getExplosionResistance() for resistance.
  15. I looked at that guess i didn't scroll down far enough; thanks.
  16. What does this mean?
  17. That is actually wrong information, not your fault though I fell for it myself. Ender IO and most other 'RF' mods(there are exceptions) expect you to push the energy out yourself. You need to expose your BaseEnergyContainer as a Capability for the connection to take place. And in the case of sending the message when it is right clicked (not sure if this has been solved already) you can create a getter method for your container field.
  18. You need to add 4 to the meta when it is off or on your preference, and then decode that your self in the getStateFromMeta.
  19. Could you explain a little? I don't quite understand what you are saying.
  20. worldIn.isRemote, is the best you can do there.
  21. When sending the energy to the Capacitor bank use extract receive extract i side of each other.
  22. The four times is because it happens on both client and server and for both hands. I believe the problem is with your getSkylightSubtracted == 0
  23. Post the crash.
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