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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You could look at ChunkRenderDispatcher, RegionRenderCacheBuilder, and WorldRenderer to figure out where and how.
  2. There is no event for that. You will need to bake your data somewhere else.
  3. You would likely be correct. Could you post your code and check out this post.
  4. This part is where I lose you. You want to bake your rendering data into the chunks rendering data?
  5. It's this the net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.SubscribeEvent. If you can't import that you set up your workspace incorrectly and will need to inform us on how you set it up.
  6. This is a little more complicated than what you have tried. When the key is pressed down you will need to send a packet to the server. The packet will say hey this player has pressed this button. The server will verify any other conditions then proceed with the appropriate response. In your case it will change the velocity of the player. Now Minecraft uses xVel, yVel, and zVel so you likely need to use trig depending on exactly what you want to do. PlayerEntity::moveForward and PlayerEntity::moveStrafe are from what I can tell multipliers on the actual motion values. And any change you do to them will be imperceptible because they are changed immediately before the entity moves.
  7. I'm not sure if this will work, but it may be worth a try. Probably but you may as well just use code and no image file to get the color. In BlockColors.register seems to be what you want. You can use that to change the color of the redstone there.
  8. They also should be using the Registry Events to register things that belong in a registry...
  9. There is no way for me to know what you want to do if you don't explain it. Please explain what exactly you want to do.
  10. There doesn't seem to be an appropriate event for what you are wanting to do on 1.15.2. I'm not sure what you want to do, but there is RenderWorldLastEvent in 1.14.4
  11. This is not how client-server architecture works. The server determines where the hitbox is then sends that to the client. So you are going to need to control the animation on the server and update the hitboxes accordingly.
  12. What does this mean? What did you try?
  13. Either to a JSON file via the GSON library(good if you want to easily be able to read the data with your eyes) or using CompoundNBT and CompressedStreamTools.
  14. Capabilities wouldn't save the data if the mod is meant to be client side. At least not on dedicated servers. So @Tupaç is better off writing the file to disk themselves.
  15. Seeing as how World Gen tutorials were pretty sparse even prior to 1.13 I doubt there are any or at least any good ones. I would say look at the Buried Treasure structure/feature as it seems really basic. Basically look at where the constructors are called as well for the associated classes until a place looks like a registry or something to do with world generation. And use that to make a simple structure before you make your actual structure.
  16. In eclipse in the package explorer there is Reference Libraries -> client-extra.jar You can look at all the assets and data files for vanilla in there. If you are not using eclipse I'm not sure of the entire process but somewhere there should be a client-extra.jar file you can look into. If not you can always go to your .minecraft folder and open the 1.15.2 versions jar file.
  17. You also need to add a loot_table file for your block drops. If you need an example check out the vanilla jar file. Or look it up.
  18. Post your code. You probably forgot to call the super methods because I didn't include them in my example.
  19. That's exactly what I meant. Inside the RenderGameOverlayEvent there is a getWIndow() function and that has a bunch of getters inside of it. There is one for getScaledWidth/Height and the normal getWidth/Height not sure which one you want to use though.
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