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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. No it would be a different world. I guess I didn't know exactly what you wanted to do. You want to through all worlds keep track of certain things? If so you will need to write to a file yourself. Forge doesn't have anything for universal persistence that I know of. Though you can use basic IO or JSON(GSON) for stuff that is loaded and saved once.
  2. Wow. When did that become a thing? Also why did it become a thing? It seems a bit weird to have that in your mod during and post compilation. Is that something you would remove/exclude before compiling your mod since assets are packed into the jar file anyways?
  3. Sounds like you want to use a capability. Probably a capability attached to the World.
  4. Just gonna recommend that you create and edit all of your project files in eclipse and if you want to copy files into your project drag and drop them into the eclipse package explorer. It saves you having to refresh the project. Also if you don't already get a JSON editor extension for eclipse from the eclipse marketplace. It is super helpful.
  5. This is not what you want to do. This is a much more complicated and horrible way to do what you want to do. Just make the model/blockstate files.
  6. Sorry 1.7.10 forge is no longer supported here. Seeing as how it is 8 minecraft versions behind the current now.
  7. On your github this is in your debug-1.log.gz file. This class I assume is the class for hm:chairsy does not have the facing property in it. And is causing this exception. Maybe fixing this will fix your error as it is the last thing in your debug-1.log.gz file.
  8. You should make a model file for each even if they all point to the same stuff. This is for things like resource packs. If you make all of them point to one model then it becomes impossible for the user/resource pack maker to give each item their own texture/model.
  9. What diesieben said as well as if you want to automate this process you are going to have to write your own piece of code that generates those files. Which isn't that hard. You can take a look at this. I made this a while ago I don't recall if it still generates a proper blockstate, it probably doesn't, but the code should help you on your way.
  10. You've come to the right place there is no tutorial out there that specific. Under what circumstances are you sending the packet? Why do you need the packet?
  11. We aren't going to help you make things to make the game easier/bypass the servers kick settings for being AFK.
  12. You need to change the ai in each entity. Use the EntityJoinWorldEvent and modify EntityLiving#tasks(I think that's still the name) for the event entity.
  13. You can't really do this because by the time the event is fired the value that determines if the hit was fully charged has already been changed. If I remember correctly. The only real way to do this is to attach a capability to players/entities that need it that tracks the cooldown just like vanilla does.
  14. Dont multiply the chunk x and z coordinates by 16 you need to bit shift left by 4.
  15. The registry name is a resource location. You probably have it in String form in which case just pass it into the ResourceLocation constructor.
  16. How do you know this is true. Post all of your relevant code.
  17. The event has a DamageSource field. The DamageSource has a method called getTrueSource which will return the Entity that caused the damage. Check if it is an instance of EntityPlayer.
  18. Ok? It's called copy and paste or if you dont like that it's called copy what's written. Also all of the rendering is done via a model which you can use any model that extends EntityModel which guess what PlayerModel does extend EntityModel. It's just the layers you have to worry about and the other functions. Also might not want to post the events.
  19. Use an Iterator and a while loop. Also you should check if the PotionEffect has the particles so you are not changing them every tick.
  20. Look at the order of the words. It doesnt care about capitalization in your field name.
  21. You'll also need to give it a registry name, but as long as you've made the FruitSeed class it should work.
  22. Because your block fields are not getting initialized by the ObjectHolder system. Aka the registry names you've given them dont match the field names you have. IE. CROP_CORN_TOP does not equal corn_crop_top.
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