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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. shootingEntity is public
  2. What do you mean by creating a "custom Inventory" ? Is the InventoryBasic not sufficient for this kind of things ? Also, I am surprised that nobody tried to develop this in Forge. I searched few minutes on google and different forge forums and I have not been able to find a single topic talking about this. Create a class that extends InventoryBasic. Then in the constructor have it pass ItemStack Arrays and loop through them and add them to the already existing array with setInventorySlotContents or addItem.
  3. Create a custom Inventory that does then.
  4. You have to register and add the model in preInit
  5. In your event you are not creating a new instance of your EntityVillager, but a vanilla one. And then you add it to the world which fires the on EntityJoinedWorldEvent, this hangs the server thread and nothing gets updated.
  6. What do you think this does, this.entityInventory = new InventoryBasic("NPC Inventory", true, Iterables.size(this.inventoryArmor) + Iterables.size(this.heldEquipment));
  7. There needs to be a assets folder before your modid.
  8. Because they are accessing their variables not yours.
  9. Private variables only allow that instance to access them and they only exist within those bounds.
  10. You never actually set oldMouseX or oldMouseY to anything after declaring them.
  11. Look at the names of the parameters in drawEntiryOnScreen specifically the ladt two floats.
  12. Cast it, dont forget instanceof.
  13. Post the code you think does that.
  14. Definitely will, it has a read and write method
  15. As long as you kept the same texture layout.
  16. First the new version is easy. GameRegistry.register(block/item/enchantment/etc) as long as they have their registry name set. And I did not mean the class where you register and initialize blocks, but your class that has the @Mod annotation.
  17. I would say best bet would be to rearrange your slots/ItemStacks.
  18. Post your main mod class and Common Proxy, Client Proxy if anything has changed, as well as your GuiHandler.
  19. Put a println in your renderTileEntityAt method, if something prints then the TESR is there; and it would help a lot if you limit it down to a specific area that it fails at, if it doesn't then we have a problem.
  20. If you are saving an inventory to a TE, you should just be able to do itemStackHandlerField.serialize/deserialize. Have you switched over to the new Capability system?
  21. Look at ItemStackHandler#deserializeNBT for how it loads an ItemStack from NBT and ItemStackHandler#serializeNBT for writing of ItemStacks.
  22. When you right click does the gui open?
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