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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Could you post an image of what you mean, and post updated code.
  2. When they die get their spawnpoint and randomize it.
  3. PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickBlock
  4. Which question are you attempting to answer? Could you be more explicit? Overriding what Container? I am extending the ContainerPlayer class and overriding some of the methods, if that's what you mean. And I'm replacing the regular player.inventoryContainer with my player container during the EntityJoinWorldEvent. But you could have seen that from the code I posted earlier, so maybe you meant something else? Oops, didn't catch that. The problem is that you call super in your Containers constructor so it adds all the slots that vanilla adds. Which is impossible to prevent. So you have to options. [*]Override the slots by manually setting them in the inventorySlots field using List#set(int, Slot) [*]Or switch to extending Container and adding the abilities/functions of the Players default container. Note that overriding the Gui and Container may lead to incompatibility if done wrong.
  5. Are you ever overriding the Container? If not just call player.openGui
  6. You are correct, but on Bukkit you do not need to download anything to your client. And you can technically make custom blocks and items with vanilla. You do this with a custom resource pack for items, and for blocks in Bukkit it is a bunch of entity manipulation.
  7. In your TESR you need to translate to the x, y, z parameters.
  8. You are extending the Gui class for the players inventory and then in the draw method you call the super. As for Capability advice you need to create a new Capability (of course) and then you need to add it to the player using AttachCapabilityEvent, all of this you know. In your Capability you will store an IItemHandler instance for storing your ItemStacks.
  9. Something you need to do is bind it to your TileEntity. ClientRegistry.bindTileEntitySpecialRenderer(tileEntityClass, TileEntitySpecialRenderer)
  10. It is the left over of the TileEntity api when metadata was how you determined different states.
  11. Read the first line of my signature.
  12. Think of it this way. You have two drawers filled with information and they have nothing to do with each other except that they are for about the same person. Do you put the two drawers into one and make it less organized and take longer to find what you need, or do you keep them separate and easier to find what you need? Also if you keep them separate then there is less data to get when you call the getCapability method.
  13. This line right here public EnumBlockRenderType getRenderType(IBlockState state) { return EnumBlockRenderType.ENTITYBLOCK_ANIMATED; } This tells the game that it doesn't have a model file, but is instead rendered using a TESR and I think the animation system? While this line will make it render based on a model file, and if you don't override the method it is already this. public EnumBlockRenderType getRenderType(IBlockState state) { return EnumBlockRenderType.MODEL; } Also instead of implementing ITileEntityProvider, just override the methods createTileEnty(World world, IBlockState state) and hasTileEntity(IBlockState state)
  14. Minecraft 1.7 10 in not supported here.
  15. Well basically we have two sides, client and server. The server handles basically everything, while the client only handles what needs to be handled on the client: keyboard and mouse input to GUIs. Have you generated a new world? Or chunks?
  16. You need to register the world generator in your main class.
  17. You will need to create a packet that sends this to the client(s).
  18. Use the hasTileEntity that has the IBlockState parameter.
  19. I think the PlayerDestroyItemEvent.
  20. Post your PacketServerToClient please.
  21. No the vanilla ocean, but the word ocean.
  22. Look for a Scoreboard object then access it and get the data. If you can't find a scoreboard object look for the gui for it.
  23. Try using your IDE's search feature to search for Ocean, because it seems like you might of missed where you put the name.
  24. There is one huge problem with this that I have. The blocks maybe started at the server, then a packet gets sent to the client and adds a block, ok ok. No problems yet. What if the block is supposed to have a custom function, that is where it gets iffy. How would you send the extra information? This is in case of your custom "mods".
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