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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. First how much Java do you know?
  2. That depends on what you want your TE to do.
  3. Because potions cause Effects. There are also (or can be) affects that aren't applied by potions. You are right there, but I fail to see the logic behind that reasoning. All that MobEffects stores is the Potion instances from the Registry. It doesn't store any effects inside of it. And the only link between Potions and Mobs is that potion effects are applied to mobs.
  4. Don't use numeric IDs, they're not guaranteed to be the same for every save and they're a lot less descriptive than using fields or registry names. The vanilla Potion instances are now stored in the MobEffects class. Ah, very true, but why did MobEffects become MobEffects and not Potions? Kinda like how we have Block and Blocks or Item and Items?
  5. EntityLivingBase#addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(Potion.getPotionById(10), 100, 3)); Will give the entity regeneration for 100 seconds and level 4.
  6. Override Entity#getCollisionBox
  7. What you need to do is call markDirty after setting the bame, as names are saved to the disk, but they need to know they need to be saved. setCustomName is a method in TileEntityChest specifically. And it exist is 1.11
  8. Check a 5x5 area and extract power from the energy providers. Then check the 5x5 space again and transmit the energy to 'machines'. Finally balance the energy in the tethers within the 5x5 area. You should do it in steps not all at once. Also something I feel I need to say. Ender IO works on a push based system, meaning you cannot extract from Ender IO generators or capacitors. They will have to push to you.
  9. Probably just RF because a lot of RF mods have adopted the Forge Energy capability.
  10. EntityPlayerMP player.... player.connection.sendPacket(packetIn);
  11. I think the "problem" is that you have a lot of Items and Blocks. I don't think there is anything you can do about this.
  12. I would suggest uploading your mod to github or some other service and allowing people to take a look. And secondly not sure if you allocated more than one gig of Ram sense Minecraft limits this to 1 at runtime, so that it does not lag/take all the computers ram during moments it needs more.
  13. Think of NBT as a file system. You have folders which are NBTTagCompounds and NBTTagLists. Then you have individual files which are the individual save elements like NBTTagDouble. And each had a file name. Calling NBTTagCompound#setDouble(fileName, value) Creates the file under the folder and has the file name as its identifier.
  14. When saving use an NBTTagCompound instead of a single NBT...
  15. You can use obj models instead of JSON models.
  16. An AxisAlignedBB can even take in a single BlockPos so the you want it is similar.
  17. Is there a reason you have overrided mergeItemStack? And here is a transfer stack in slot tutorial http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/mapping-and-modding-tutorials/1571051-custom-container-how-to-properly-override-shift
  18. Extending EnergyStorage allows you to add custom method logic to specific methods without having to code the entire class. While implementing IEnergyStorage requires you to override all the methods and "add" logic to them.
  19. I said it is not getting initialized before it is being used, try FMLServerAboutToStartEvent.
  20. It seems like your RegistryInformation field in EnderRegistry is not initialized before you use it.
  21. Should be event.getBlock() == Blocks.whatever
  22. Show what you did?
  23. You need to convert to double or float; something that can support decimals.
  24. Well, I would guess updateProgressBar, but this would be a new method, because it does not exists in the default Container class and is also not overriden in Furnace (there it is created). But this method seems also to be just there, but not used... atleast in TileEntityFurnace and in the GUI and in the Container itself, eclipse couldn't find any place where it's called. It does override updateProgressBar and it does exist in Container. ContainerFurnace just doesn't have the @Override over it.
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