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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Do you mean BloomeryGUIHandler and GuiHandlerRegistry? GuiHandlerRegistry is just to register all of my Gui's and BloomeryGUIHandler is specificly for the Bloomery. Well I meant why are you going to have more than one. Why don't you just use a switch statement or an if else statement to handle your GUIs and Containers? item.getMetadata(1) // Doesn't work the way you think it does. "// TODO: Figure out difference between simulate = true and simulate = false" If simulate is true then the process doesn't happen, if false it does happen. In this case if true it doesn't mess with your ItemStacks, if false the ItemStacks change. Also quick question did you follow a tutorial?
  2. ...There is no reference of a PacketHandler in the crash report, i have no idea how you thought that was the problem. Post your PacketSyncDataClient class.
  3. Why do you have multiple GuiHandlers?
  4. Awesome i didn't know that, never needed it myself.
  5. That would do what you want. What I am saying is that you can't assign it directly IE it saves directly to the Chunk. You will save it to the world, but there will be one for every chunk. Example in my first post. Map<ChunkPos, Integer> chunkData; // Probably going to have to make ChunkPos which will just hold an x and a z. You will get the Chunks x and z like so World#getBlockFromBlockCoord(getPos()).xPosition World#getBlockFromBlockCoord(getPos()).zPosition And then get your capability and do capability.chunkData.get(new ChunkPos(chunkX, chunkZ)); Then you have your energy in that chunk.
  6. Yes you could access it through a TE(How do you think Chunk Loaders work). You are not assigning the data to each chunk. You are saving data to the world using an identifier that is the Chunks coords(ChunkPos).
  7. Each chunk has its own coords. World#getChunkFromChunkCoords(x, z) or World#getChunkFromBlockCoords(BlockPos). Then you can get the chunk coords aka the ChunkPos. Or you could just bit shift by 16 from the blocks x and z. And no you should use a World Capability in my opinion because when you save it it will be a lot of data.
  8. Nothing except AttachCapabilitiesEvent<World> And then the only other difference is you could also use WorldSavedData. Which I believe is meant more for small data like a few int(s), boolean(s), etc.
  9. You will have to map it to each chunk. Like Map<ChunkPos, Integer> chunkData; // Probably going to have to make ChunkPos which will just hold an x and a z.
  10. It's called from sendUpdateWithInterval which is, itself, not called. So no. I didn't think it was
  11. Is your sendUpdate method getting called? And you should just put your github in your signature.
  12. You could use World#getEntitiesInAABB(...) to achieve this.
  13. private, protected, public; whatever you want it just cant be static or final.
  14. Here: Know that I understand what you mean, your blockToBreak field is a static one it can't be that or all instances of your TE will have the same one.
  15. Could you show what you mean, either with a video or a gif?
  16. First you should get antiquated with Capabilities. http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datastorage/capabilities/ http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/forge-tutorial-capability-system/ This will let you save extra data to the player. Then you will need to get used to OpenGL(if you are not already). This is the main rendering engine for Minecraft. You will need to use RenderPlayerEvent.Pre to override the Players model and render it yourself. The next thing is getting used to GUIs in Minecraft. They are pretty simple in nature. Create an extension of GuiScreen or GuiContainer(if it has Slots for Items). Note Gui#drawTexturedModelRect limits the full texture size to 256x256. Now to edit the players max health you need to use SharedMonsterAttributes. EntityPlayer#getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes...).applyModifier(new AttributeModifier(...));
  17. Sorry but 1.7.10 is no longer supported on this forum. Once a moderator sees this post it will be locked, so you should update to the latest version or at least 1.10.2.
  18. Ok try registering your entities in the init method instead.
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